von Agung Rizky Vor 1 Jahr
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Why is it important to plan your year ahead?
Planning ahead for the next year has some highly important benefits: it contributes to your personal and business growth; it helps you set priorities and focus on them; you get to prevent all sorts of risks and get accustomed to change.
A goal refers to an expected outcome that has one or several specific objectives which have to be achieved within a designated time frame. Regarding the time frame, goals can either be long-term goals, or short-term goals. These two basic categories can be further sub-divided:
solving, innovation, or some type of improvement;
Remember that goals should relate to accomplishments (therefore the result), not activities.
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym and it stands for:
quality, cost, etc.
An accurate planning process will ensure you always know what your next move will be. This way, you will be prepared to handle change more easily: knowing all the next steps will help anticipating the risks. Also, it’s a great way to monitor your progress.
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Perencanaan Proyek (Planning)#12
Inisiasi Proyek (Initiation)#12
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Perencanaan Proyek (Planning)#10
Inisiasi Proyek (Initiation)#10
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Perencanaan Proyek (Planning)#2
Inisiasi Proyek (Initiation)#2
SEO Goal
Taking into account the areas you will want to focus on, type in the SMART goals for January.
Choose an icon to set the priority level:
Penutupan Proyek (Close)#1
Pemantauan Proyek (Monitoring)#1
Eksekusi Proyek (Execution)#1
Strategi SEO untuk yang Sudah Ahli
Manfaatkan Media Sosial & Ikuti Tren
Menambahkan Tag Canonical untuk Konten Duplikat
Menambahkan Data Terstruktur Schema.org
Gunakan Noindex untuk Konten Non-Prioritas
Gunakan Nama File yang Bisa Dibaca
Gunakan Alt Text untuk Gambar
Optimasi Gambar
Gunakan URL Khusus untuk Postingan dan Halaman
Pilih Antara WWW dan Non-WWW
Konfigurasikan Struktur Permalink Website
Menggunakan Kategori dan Tag WordPress
Mengoptimalkan Meta Description
Aktifkan Breadcrumb WordPress
Mengpptimalkan Tag Judul
Menggunakan Tema yang SEO-Friendly
Tambahkan Internal Link & Eksternal dalam Konten
Gunakan Heading yang Terstruktur
Masukkan Focus Keyword di Seluruh Bagian Konten
Tulis Konten yang SEO-friendly
Submit Sitemap XML ke Google Search Console
Perencanaan Proyek (Planning)#1
What steps do you have to take in order to achieve this goal? Example: in order to learn tango, you should practice at least 1 hour, three times a week.
Cegah Komentar Spam di Postingan Blog
Lakukan Riset Keyword yang Tepat
Lakukan Update Rutin dan Tampilkan Tanggal Update
Persiapan Konten Video
Persiapan menembahkan Domain ke Google Search Console
Inisiasi Proyek (Initiation)#1
What type of goal is it?
Review your past year
to see what you achieved and what areas you still want to improve. Do you have any regrets?
What are your achievements in the past year?
Think of the major events that took place. What are you proud of/excited about?
What do you have in mind for the following year?
Taking into consideration the year that has just passed, it's time to make new, bigger, bolder plans. Will you change the city/country you are living in? Are there any new skills you are planning to acquire? Are you taking a new career step?