Kategorien: Alle - security - ethnicity - intervention - conflict

von Catarina Leite Vor 6 Jahren


Separatism after Terrorism

The text discusses the complex issue of secession, examining various perspectives and theories related to the right of a group to secede. It highlights the distinction between ethnos (

Separatism after Terrorism

Wojciechowski, 2007, pg.15

Sanchez, 2016, pg. 244

Separatists movements all aound the world are causing mass migrations and slowly leading to more terrorism

Butt relates security and international law

Butt, 2017, pg 216

Butt, 2017, pg 217

"If the potential for external attack is what truly motivates decisions to react violently against secessionists, ameliorating such fears could translate to less violence and fewer deaths. The international community can tie the promise of security guarantees to good behavior in its dealings with the minority, as part of an explicit quid pro quo"

Butt, 2017, pg.215

Butt, 2017, pg. 216

Butt, 2017, pg. 215

"External security, drives whether, and how much, states coerce separatists"

similar thoughts


Butt, 2017, pg. 22

Kohen, 2006, pg. 93

"(...) the treatment of secession conflicts by the political UN organs seems to be characteristic only in respect to their anti-secessionist attitude concerning the eventual political resolution of such conflicts"

Kohen, 2006, pg. 67

"The reason why ethnicity cannot in itself be a basis for the composition of a state on individualist premises is quite simply that there is no necessary connection between descent, which is a matter of biology, and interest,which is a matter of the fulfilment of human needs and purposes."

Why can ethnos not be a basis for community?

Lehning, 1998, p. 169

Kohen, 2006, pg. 5

Lehning,1998, pg. 7

Lehning, 1998, pg. 2

Lehning,1998, pg. 2

"The seceding group is taking a portion of the territory of the existing state, and it needs a very strong justification indeed for doing that; even the very great goods of cultural preservation and self-determination of a people are not strong enough reasons to justify this."


"(...) depends on the existence of a real community, not merely an imagined one. It is based on ‘civic nationalism’ "

Liberal political theory


"(...) there is a restricted right to secede, as well as to cultural preservation"


"If a group of people perceive themselves as having a distinct culture and traditions, and they are extensively predominant in a distinct territory, can they then justifiably secede from a nation-state in which they are embedded if they elect, by a democratic decision,"
"(...) there is a right of secession, indeed evena right of unilateral secession."


"(...) who support it, subject to certain conditions"


"(...) oppose the right to secession, except under certain conditions"



Buchanan, 1997, p.34

Buchanan, 1997, p.35

"Different Primary Right Theories pick out different conditions that groups must satisfy to have a right to secede in the absence of injustices."

"Different Remedial Right Only Theories identify different injustices as warranting the remedy of secession."

"(...) assert that certain groups can have a (general) right to secede in the absence of any injustice."

"(...) assert that a group has a general right to secede if and only if it has suffered certain injustices, for which secession is the appropriate remedy of last resort."

Primary Rights Theory

Remedial Rights Theory

Allen Buchanan

Ethnos vs Demos

Percy B. Lehning



Claribel de Castro Sánchez

"The triad security/immigration/terrorism has now reached enormous significance after multiple terrorist attacks (...). After these attacks, the different positions on how to manage the refugee crisis in Europe have become more bitterly opposite."

Sebastian Wojciechowski

"Do individual factors influence terrorism in a different manner than fundamentalism or separatism?"

Secessionism in the Contemporary World

International Law

Global Policy
Marcelo G. Kohen
International Law 'Neutrality'

"The traditional view was that secessionist movements, when not under foreign control, were a purely internal affair."

External intervention

Intervention of other states

"Third States are bound by the principles of the non-use of force, non-intervention and self-determination when they contemplate intervening by force in a secession conflict. The most important legal distinction in this context is whether a State intervenes on the side of the recognized government of the State concerned or on the side of its opponents."

UN Intervention


Ahsan I. Butt
Approaches to conflict resolution


"(...) when separatists become tied to external rivals of states, they become susceptible to pathological levels of violence, fueled by a sense of collective betrayal among both leaders and security forces."


"If intervention does arise in separatist disputes, it is unlikely to be aimed at the security of the minority at risk; rather likely to be precisely the type of intervention that intensifies violence".

"Outside intervention aimed at reducing violence has to walk a tightrope: it must be targeted at the state’s leaders, without giving the impression that it “sides” with the secessionists."

Security of Economy

What will be the economic conditions of the old and new States?

"The ethnic group can freely use its state to extract resources from its population in the form of taxes as well as fashion certain economic policies such as industrialization, the construction of dams and irrigation canals, and targeted investment in certain sectors of the economy."

Theories of Secession