Kategorien: Alle - warfare - treaty - ports - strategy

von Yana Tarkhov Vor 3 Jahren


Seven Year War

During the Seven Years' War, aboriginal groups employed stealthy tactics, utilizing natural landscapes to avoid detection and launch surprise attacks. The British leveraged the strategic advantage of deep-water ports along Hudson'

Seven Year War

Seven Year War

Overview of battle of the plains of abraham:

Quick : The battle of the plains of Abraham was a major battle during the seven year war that was located in Quebec city. A British invasion force defeated the french troops leading to the surrender of Quebec of the British. This force was led by general James Wolfe and both of the commanders ended up dying during this battle (They died from injuries). This battle ended on September 13, 1759.

Outcome of royal proclamation of 1763:

The proclamation was a law that forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachian mountains. (“It is a document that set out guidelines for European settlement of Aboriginal territories in what is now North America. The Royal Proclamation was initially issued by King George in 1763 to officially claim British territory in North America after Britain won the Seven Years War.”)This ended up angering the colonists and this is because they felt that the Proclamation was basically like an action to keep them under control and that the British only wanted them east of the mountains so they would be able to watch them.
(This is apperently the picture of the document)

Two historical paintings of the thin red line:

The treaty of paris 1763 overview:

The treaty of paris is what ended the war when Britain and France signed the treaty of paris. This treaty was signed on February 19, 1763. Both France and Britain agreed that they would give up territory that they had captured from one another in the war.
(This is some information on the treaty of paris that I found)

Overview of the causes of war on Acadia:

Acadiaians lived in the area for many years and generations, and they wanted to continue but they disliked being ruled by the british soldiers. (The british soldiers would harass them for the smallest things).
(Discription of picture: This is apperently a picture of the acadians during the seven year war)

All about New France and its colonies before wars:

New France had harsh winters. They were cold and long(they would have animal skin blankets to help get through the cold winters). Houses in New France were commonly built near rivers, lakes, and ponds for peoples water needs for basic daily activities. Other Houses were built near forests so if the people needed wood for fires or to build it would be convenient for them. Some crops that were grown in New France were corn, beans, squash, pumpkin and etc.
(Discription of picture: This is a picture that I found of New France before war)

(Discription of picture: This is also a picture of New France before war that I found)

Who was James Wolfe and what role did he play?

Who was James wolfe and what role did he play: General wolfe was the commander for the British army. His victory over the french in 1759 had made him become an icon of britain's victory in the seven year war(He defeated Montcalm). He played a key role in the french fortress at louisbourg. Wolfe sent about 4 thousand soldiers to attack Beauport shore. (about 440 of those soldiers were killed or injured so he needed to create another plan). James Wolfe was born on January 7, 1727 and died september 13, 1759(he was only 32 years old). He was killed at the height of the battle due to injuries(Three musket balls).
(discription of picture: This is a picture of general wolfe)

Map of the battle of the plains of abraham:

Aboriginal fighting methods:

The aboriginal people were able to hide in trees and be sneaky so they wouldn't be caught. They also lay on their stomachs so they are able to shoot and attak without being seen.

Overview on the hudson's bay:

The deep water ports(deep water ports are usually made up for the usage of very large and heavily loaded ships) gave the british an advantage over the french because ships would be able to sail right between britain and the hudson's bay. This would allow them to bring trading goods and would also allow them to trade/bring out furs.

Strategy that I found interesting(The Thin Red Line):

The Thin red line is when the British soldiers were standing in their red uniforms and were in three straight lines with their guns loaded. When these lines were 70 meters apart general wolfe ordered the lines to fire one by one and when the first line fired then would kneel down and reload there weapons and so on. I found that this strategy was very interesting because of how effective it was able to be.
(Picture of the thin red line strategy)

What was the Quebec act/overview of the quebec act:

The Quebec act was laws that were passed by the british parliament. It was an act of the British Parliament setting procedures of governance for the Province of Quebec. The Quebec Act established religious freedoms, gave them more rights, and it also created a French, Roman Catholic colony within the British Empire.
(Discription of picture: This is a picture of where quebec is located on the map)(It is the dark blue section)

All about the British and its colonies before war:

Britain was apparently one of the most technologically advanced nations on earth. Britain was the manufacturing center of europe with importing raw materials and trading with partners and turning them into goods for sale.
(Discription of picture: This is a picture of the british before the war)

Who was Louis-Joseph de Montcalm(general montcalm) and what role did he play?

General Montcalm was best known as a french soldier or the commander of the forces in north america during the seven year war. He was born February 28, 1712 and died september 14, 1759(He was 47 years old). Montcalm was wounded/injured during the retreat and died in quebec. (Description of picture: Above is a picture of general montcalm around 1712-1759)
(Discription of picture: This is a picture of general montcalm)

What is the seven year war?

The seven year war was the fighting between the French and the British people. This war was happening all over the world and lasted for 9 years. France and Britain were both fighting against each other to control the other number of colonies. The british captured louisbourg and destroyed the fortress. The cause of the seven year war was that it increased britains land in North america.
(The seven year war)