Kategorien: Alle - education - teachers - collaboration - community

von Shelby Bedford Vor 6 Jahren



The future of a country is deeply intertwined with the quality of its education system. Military strength, economic growth, and democratic stability all hinge on a well-educated populace.


"It is important, of course, to recognize that the average citizen today is better educated and more knowledgeable than the average citizen of a generation ago--more literate, and exposed to more mathematics, literature, and science. The positive impact of this fact on the well-being of our country and the lives of our people cannot be overstated. Nevertheless, the average graduate of our schools and colleges today is not as well-educated as the average graduate of 25 or 35 years ago, when a much smaller proportion of our population completed high school and college. The negative impact of this fact likewise cannot be overstated. " Everyone needs to be taught, the things that we learn get put into our foundation and help society get better as well as helps our local communities. Evidence from previous generations brings a huge knowledge of what we need to improve in.

"The State has established priorities for providing a free appropriate public education to all handicapped children, which priorities shall meet the timetables set forth in clause (5) of paragraph (2) of this section, first with respect to handicapped children who are not receiving an education, and second with respect to handicapped children, within each disability, with the most severe handicaps who are receiving an inadequate education, and has made adequate progress in meeting the timetables set forth in clause (B) of paragraph (2) of this section." Handicap children are always concidered to be taught and should be given free education so that they can get help with the skills that they need.

"a free appropriate public education will be available for all handicapped children between the ages of three and eighteen within the State not later than September 1, 1978, and for all handicapped children between the ages of three and twenty-one within the State not later than September 1, 1980, except that, with respect to handicapped children aged three to five and aged eighteen to twenty-one, inclusive, the requirements at this clause shall not be applied in any State if the application of such requirements would be inconsistent with State law or practice, or the order of any court, respecting public education within such age grouts in the State;"

"When the corporate model is applied to schools, principals, teachers, parents, citizens, and sometimes, students are supposed to come together to discuss and decide on the educationally best practice for their school. Rather than blaming the students for educational failure, adults in the school should examine and change their own behavior."

"Nothing matters more to the future of our country: not our military preparedness for armed might is worthless if we lack the brain power to build a world of peace; not our productive economy - for we cannot sustain growth without trained manpower; not our democratic system of government - for freedom is fragile if citizens are ignorant."

"We must demand that our schools increase not only the quantity but the quality of America's education. For we recognize that nuclear age problems cannot be solved with horse-and-buggy learning. The three R's of our school system must be supported by the three T's - teachers who are superior, techniques of instruction that are modern, and thinking about education which places it first in all our plans and hopes."

Plessy vs Ferguson- " It upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality – a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal"." I think that a teachers role is to keep students equal with one another. They shouldnt move their students in their classes based upon their color. Students should be brought to understand from the teacher that no one is above one another because of their race or color. Brown vs Board of education disagreed with this, and that they should be separate from each other and that it was not against the 14th ammendment to keep segregation of blacks and whites in school. However in my own personal philosophy that black and white would be kept equal and should be given the same amount of respect and treatment of one another. There is fairness and equality in all for everyone to get education and teachers should not fight segregation and keep their students equal as a professional.

What is the role of the teacher?

THe role of the teacher is to best help the student to learn as best as he can. The teachers role is also to uphold the code of ethics for all policies in schools or universities they are at. The teacher mus tnever put him o rherself above the students and keep them at their level of development until they can move forward. Teachers are to adapt to each new students learning ability and pace but also allow them to grow and be prepared for the new thigns they are going to learn. Teachers should teac hnot so students just earn a grade but so that they can learn how to love learning and learn how to love education as a whole.

Cardinal Rules- "Continuity in the development of children. - It has long been held that psychological changes at certain stages are so pronounced as to overshadow the continuity of development. On this basis secondary education has been sharply separated from elementary education. Modern psychology, however, goes to show that the development of the individual is in most respects a continuous process and that, therefore, any sudden or abrupt break between the elementary and the secondary school or between any two successive stages of education is undesirable."

The continued education of children is huge and they are always worth teaching so that they are enriched throughout their life.

Washington and Dubios - One of the things that was so interesting about Dubios logic of teaching and what to do for those in the south. He thought that what was the most important to teach the people was skills, working skills and physcial skills like farming for example. He thought that the more people learn these skills they will be able to better help society and as well as fulfill their role in society. He also thought that whites should be more into the areas of politics rather than blacks. White men know more and should have the controlling power of politics and blacks can just support and vote for things while mainly the whites do have majority power. Now with Washington, he had completly disagreed with what Dubois said becaause he felt that everyone should be equal in all parts. He wanted blacks to be able to have say in politics as well as other areas in communities. There was also tht he wanted them to get education other than just skills because if they learned more they could become better people as well as advance other societies and communities.

Things that are worth teaching are going to be things that can better help an individual learn how to be abetter person as well as a better person in society. The love for elarning is also something that is huge and should be worth teaching in all schools from the youngest age to the oldest age. There are many things one can teach but what is most important or worth teaching is life skills along with essential skills in order to build a better society, state, country and people as a whole. Learning the basics and building up from that since infancy is huge in order to help the future.

Mann - "Without undervaluing any other human agency, it may be safely affirmed that the Common School, improved and energized, as it can easily be, may become the most effective and benignant of all the forces of civilization. Two reasons sustain this position. In the first place, there is a universality in its operation, which can be affirmed of no other institution whatever." I feel like Mann is very passionate about what he thinks is good for education and how it should be run. H also wanted there to be the ending of poverty and to bring better education to those who may have handicaps or those with physical disabilities. He wanted to have education equality throughout the world and everyone to be able to get an education.

THe role of the community is to choose the teachers and to allow them to be the best there is for their kids to learn from. The community can also help in their role to do funding for different schools and or curriculars or the options of what their kids can learn and what is going to be the best thing for them to do.

ED 200

What is the role of the community?

Class 12 Notes- The Race of Life video- Taking all the kids in this large group, the instructor takes statements about how if you have been given privilege in your life allows you to move closer to the prize. A majority of the white kids in the group were the ones who had moved up the closest to the prize. Video 2- Harvard Speech: The kid who had given his speech seemed to be very passionate about having to share his feelings on where he was in the world. He just kept talking about he was being judged and society was doing an injustice to people like him. Video 3: Martin Luther King- I loved how Martin Luthers speech was very focused on equality and how we should all be equal in our world with one another. He wanted peace in society for every black and every white. I think that Martin really wanted everyone to just be one, to be united. -

What is the role of the students?

Class 16: Dewey - Students were sort of oppressed by the teacher who was over the whole class in the olden days. There was very little structure or room to grow with only one teacher and the harsh discipline they would recieve. However as the time went on there were larger institutions that came along like Columbia University and the students there were to learn to better improve themselves and become better roles in society along with in their families. They strived to have students be the best they could be along with gaining life skills that were important in creating self reliance.
Maxinn Green & Kerkeggarrd - "If individuals are wide-awake and make decisions consciously to interpret a poem properly, to try to understand a period in English history, or to participate in some type of social inquiry, they are choosing to abide by certain standards made available to them." Children or students should accept responsibility when it comes to their education along with learning the basics they need to know in order to progress once they become adults in the real world. eing an active participant in the world around you allows one ot learn truth and experience it for themselves so they can become whole and learn from God. One must put themselves in a mindness or one mindness where they can truly think and comprehend for themselves.

Who should be taught?

Jefferson Philosophy- Grades are organized into three levels. All free boysa dn girls will be taken into primary school and be taught the basics of education and be taught english, grammer, reading, writing, common arithmetic, greek, roman, american history. Then as they get older and can have further education and taken into grammer school. Those that arein the top of their class out of other schools wil go to grammr school and be given housing and taught privately by teachers there who wi teach Latin, greek, english, grammer, geography and higher arithmatic. Thn the top of those class will be taken or given the opporunity to go to university and further their education for 2-3 more years and they will be able to choose their sciences courses they will like to take. One thing that I really like is how as they get older, those who are capable to learn more or have better grades, are given more education. Its also paid for when you are older and go to university. So its similar to today but we dont have alot of grammer schools, we have alot of public schools like primary schools and high schools which are like grammer schools except everyone gets to go and in Jeffersons system, only the top students get to go.
Jane Adams- Her philosophy was that everyone should have education, especially women and children and the poor. She also had a hard time with male authority and men running education with out the help of women. As well as there only being male teachers. There should be more female teachers. She also instituted a lot of educational programs and rights for people of the middle class.
Mary Antin- Everyone should be taught that is LDS in a LDS standard school with our same beliefs. We hsould protect them and allow them to learn as the Lord would want them to learn. There are so many mobs and attacks that parents fear fo rtheir childs safety in regular public schools. SOme states or towns did not allow LDS children to be at school because they did not like thme, thus the creation of BYU to help teach and keep students safe while trying to gain an education.

Who am I and what motivates me?

Paulo Freire- Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Paul believed that there were those who were the oppressed and those who were the oppressors. To express this view in education, he believed that "banking" was one of the ways that teachers often are the oppressors and students are the oppressed. The term is shared by saying that teachers are feeding students information, they deposit information to them through narration. In return the students are being given information without any question or asking for understanding. So they become the box which the teachers feed this information to. It seems that students are oppressed as the teachers are the leading commanders and the students have to do everything they say without question.

What is worth teaching?

Who's worth learning?

Aquinas & Mass Bay Law: Aquinas talks a lot about how God and Philosophy are one. That all things we know come from the knowledge of God. We are one with God. He then goes on about how doctrine is not sacred science as most people believe but he believes them to be one. Then he talks about how they are different sciences. And how not all men are men of faith. Then in his third section of his article he mentions that doctrine is a single science. That if not everyone believes that everything as a whole is from God, there are single science forms that are from God or are a product of him.

Mass Bay Law: Mass Bay law is very simple in what it discusses. It basically state that there be someone appointed to teach their children in their community. Based off scripture or belief thereof that God requires us to be taught and a learned people.