von Emma Yong Vor 13 Jahren
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What is Jeremy's email? I am having problems...
Confronting the company manager about the issue of unclean water
Asking the factory to make use of the waste by recycling it rather than polluting the clean water for living things
Another technology-based water source is desalinated water. Singapore has one of Asia’s largest seawater reverse-osmosis plant, which produces 30 million gallons of water a day (136,000 cubic metres) to meet about 10% of Singapore’s water needs. The second 70mgd desalinated plant will be completed in 2013. By 2060, we intend to ramp up desalination capacity by almost 10 times so that desalinated water will meet at least 30% of our water demand in the long term. Multiple water projects were also initiated to ensure a sustainable water supply for Singapore. These include clean-up of the Singapore River, building the Marina Barrage and creating the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System Source:http://www.pub.gov.sg/water