Kategorien: Alle - love - jesus

von Haseeb Arshad Vor 6 Jahren


Summative Assignment Unit 2 (rough copy)

The life of Jesus serves as a profound example of love and compassion, as documented in the New Testament. His actions, such as healing the sick and raising the dead, are highlighted in the gospels, illustrating his openhearted nature.

Summative Assignment Unit 2 (rough copy)


5. Text to Self The bible says to spread the word and evangelize, to help and lead people to the right path. Jesus himself went to people and spread the word of the Gospel, he informed them about Christianity and brought people to the right path. Jesus taught people several good qualities which the followers adapted and spread amongst people after Jesus died.

We can dialogue with others about who Jesus is by talking about and understanding what other religions have to say about Jesus. Jesus is a major part of the Christian religion and if we can compare Jesus in Christianity and what other religions have to say about Jesus, we can better understand Jesus. Once we start understanding how Jesus is connected with various religions, we can connect with Jesus and his teachings at a different level. This can also increase our knowledge about Jesus and help us understand what is written about him in the Bible. From the My Blueprint activity, I took a survey on my motivation factors and wrote a brief summary on how the holy spirit is at work in my life and how I am called to be a part of the body of Christ. From this activity I learned, my two major motivation factors are recognition and achievement and I can use these factors to help me follow Jesus teachings and encourage the people around me to do the same: "I am not a Christian so I am not directly connected to being a part of the body of Christ but Muslims do believe in the teachings and the values of Jesus. Jesus taught to love God, do well to people around us by respecting them, spread peace and solidarity. My major motivation points are recognition and achievement. I will use these factors in a positive way to follow Jesus teachings. For motivation, I want opportunities that lead me to promotions and eventually leading others. I can use this in a positive way by standing up and following Jesus teachings and setting an example for others so they can follow Jesus teachings too. My second motivation factor is achieving goals through effort. I can use this to make an effort and try to follow Jesus teachings, this can help me personally and the people around me in a positive way."
6. The link of my Enquiry portfolio: https://app.myblueprint.ca/student/portfolios/1401550

7. Ecumenical movement is very beneficial in todays world. There are a lot of religions, beliefs and cultures present today. The world needs to learn to sort out differences, understand each others religions by looking at similarities rather than differences and respecting each others religions. When we learn to do this, we will be successful in achieving world peace because we will have looked past our differences and focused on unity. The Ecumenical movement does exactly this, it helps sort out the differences within Christianity and different religions through inter-religious dialogue. This is why I believe inter-religious council/movement is really important in todays world because is unites all the different beliefs and religions.

There are many different leaders within Christianity such as leaders of the Eastern and Western church, different religions such as Islam, who are participating in the Ecumenical movement. At the start of the Ecumenical movement there were no organizations participating in the ecumenical movement, but after a few years, organization started to form known as the regional ecumenical organizations and they started to take part in the ecumenical movement. These religions and organizations can deal and resolve religious issues, make their opinions and voice heard at the council, this helped resolve issues between religions and Christianity itself. This also strengthened Christianity as a whole and other religions. The ecumenical council allows religions to dialogues with the world religions about their beliefs. Many leaders come forward and preach about their religions, the similarities within their religions and other religions. For example Christian leaders come forward and preach about their beliefs on Jesus and the Bible. This in a way, helps other religions learn about Christianity and the similarities between their religions and Christianity. This helps promote peace and solidarity within the two religions.
this is a link to a video we watched in class that shows Pope John Paul II leading the ecumenical movement : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ac4FM7bkiA Website link that I used to research on Ecumenical movement organizations: https://www.oikoumene.org/en/about-us/organizational-structure/related-bodies/regional-ecumenical-organizations

3. Text to Text Jesus Life is a great example for us on how to be loving in all we do. The new testament has facts and stories on Jesus life and the way he treated people. There were many miracles performed by Jesus. The gospels describe these miracles performed by Jesus, such as healing the sick and bringing the dead back to life. These stories and miracles show us that Jesus was a very openhearted person. This also sets an example for us, on how to be loving in all we do. We should try to follow Jesus teachings and practices to help us become better and more loving human beings. We cannot perform miracles like Jesus did, but we can do simple things in our daily tasks that can result in a lasting effect.

According to Christians, Jesus is the son of god and is also known as the Messiah. The Messiah basically means the "anointed one", the one who is the savior promised by God. There are many old testament prophecies about the coming Messiah, the savoir. The old testament believed that there was a coming Messiah and he was described like this: Isaiah 7:14: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Jesus life correlates with the prophecies told about him in the old testament. the life of the messiah was already predicted in the old testaments but they weren't sure who this messiah would be. Once the Messiah, Jesus came, his life pretty much unfolded just like it was predicted in the old testaments. Jesus was predicted to be born from a virgin, he will lead people to the right path Jesus and his followers dialogues with others in a different manner. Instead of forcing Christianity on the people. They talked about the similarities and differences between the two religions. They asked the other people questions and created interesting arguments, which would get the other person interested in Christianity. This is an example of Ecumenical dialogue because Ecumenical dialogue creates understanding with different religions and helps us look at the similarities rather than the differences. Jesus and his followers did exactly this.--Fix

1. Text To Faith The main unifying factors of Christianity is that they all believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. Some of the major beliefs of Christians is that the all believe in the concept of the day of judgement, paradise and hell, the holiness of the Church, Christ second coming and the Eucharist (Christian ceremony commemorating the last supper). These are some of the main unifying factors that make up Christianity and Christians as a whole.

There are four major foundation stones of Christianity. These foundation stones are: 1. keeping alive the memories of Jesus: the disciples, the Gospels and letters of Paul. 2. Professing the one faith: the creeds 3. The ministers of the Church: the role of Bishops 4. Ecumenical councils The purpose of these foundation stones for Christians today is to keep Christians connected with the core of Christianity. These Foundation stones are basically the beginning structure/pillars of Christianity. In todays world, Christianity represents one-third of the worlds population and is the largest religion. There are a wide range beliefs, cultures and groups within Christianity. These foundation stones help keep these different cultures, groups and beliefs connected to the core of Christianity. The Ecumenical council is basically a movement that unites different groups within Christianity and other religions to create peace and unity amongst earth. In the twentieth century, Churches of the protestant reformation became worried about the divisions within Christianity because they were hurting Christianity and the mission of the Church. Due to this, a world missionary conference was held in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1910, which marked the start of the ecumenical movement. All the leaders that represent different faiths and beliefs come together on this day, to take part in inter-religious dialogue in an effort to understand each others religions and close gaps within the religions.