Kategorien: Alle - copyright - visibility - censorship - browsers

von Joshua Smith Vor 5 Jahren


Team Max

In the realm of web design and development, constructing the backbone of websites requires a deep understanding of both functionality and aesthetics. Developers must master various web-specific languages to create user-friendly and visually appealing sites.

Team Max

Floating topic

To separate chunks of text you can use

Computer Science


lesson 6
Answer bot

change the program to display a random text message from a list of possible answers

program the microbit to choose and display a random number when a button is pressed

lesson 5
personal billboard

select different images and messages when code is running

scroll through text messages

show images that match your current mood

lesson 4
Heart Beat

make the heartbeat speed adjustable using the microbit buttons

A = slower B =faster

make code loop forever

code an animated heartbeat

display.image(HEART) sleep (1000) display.image(small.heart) sleep (1000) if_button.a_was_pressed()

lesson 3
recording and mixing with Digital audio workstaion
keyboard synthesiszer
drum machines
micro musician
lesson 2
display games

program push-button to make a fast click game

crunch some numbers with a micro-calculator

display text message strings

change the animation speed of the images

show a sequence of images on the display

from microbit import * display.show(Image.SQUARE)

lesson 1
called first steps

what is a microbit?

static electricity

senosors and buttons and an LED display for output

edge connector

a powerful embedded computer


Booleans variables
while loops

To repeat code when the number of times to repeat is unknown

if statements


To have Tracy make decisions based on conditional statements

if count > 0: pendown()


tailor functions to be used in multiple situations

many times

user input

radius = int(input(“What is the radius?: “))


Store information to use in our code

Top down design

Separating a large problems into smaller ones

Writing code for one part of a function before tackling the whole thing

breaks large code into functions

Breaking the problem down into smaller parts

artistic effect

begin_fill() circle(20) end_fill()

color must be in quation marks



A function name and commands to be performed

one command

naming guidelines




# used in the beginning of a comment

""" for a multi-line comment

allowing humans to read and understand

turning angles



speed 0


write the same code with fewer lines

makes code easier to read

for i in range ()

penup commands

pendown commands

400 pixels by 400 pixels
starts at the bottom



circle commands

diameter when coding

200 pixels from starting point

left or right commands

forward input

forward (-100)

forward (100)

To print non-text, do the same as text but don't use quotation marks
To print text, do print "enter text here"
Do # enter comment here to do a single line comment
Do """ enter comment here """ to do a multiline comment
Rounding, round(x, number of digits to round by)
Power, math.pow(x,y)
Absolute value, abs(x)
Modulus, do x % y
Division, do x / y
Multiplication, do x * y
Subtraction, do x - y
Addition, use x + y
User Input
For numbers, do variable_name = int(input("Enter value here "))
For strings, do variable_name = input("Enter text here ")
variable_name = value
variable_name = "enter string"
Used to store and edit values later

Web design and development

the ability to understand what is needed to make a website functional and easy to use, but at the same time make it aesthetically appealing to the user.
build the backbone of websites, typically from the ground up, and knows languages specific to the web.
The internet
A browser is a program that allows you to search for information and websites on it, google chrome, safari and firefox are all examples of browsers.
Copyright laws

CC BY-SA this license lets people build,"remix" and tweak an artists work

CC BY-NC-ND is the most restrictive liscense because it only allows people to download and share your work as long as they credit you

CC BY-NC this license lets people build, tweak and remix on an artists work for non-commercial us

CC BY is the least restrictive, it allows people to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon work even for commerical use.

Censorship: a tool used by people to stop the spread of information.

HTML Development

Advanced Html
Multi-file websites

Select add a file and name it anything.html

The inspector

Right click anywhere on the page and select "inspector"

HTML Basics
Formatting text

- line break,

horizontal line break, - italics, - bold,

Lists: two types

Nesting lists:

Nesting lists:

Nesting lists:

Links: text or image whatever you want to link
You always need:

CSS Development

The Box model
Adding Margins: In your style sheet write the code, margin:30px;
Adding padding: In your style sheet write the code, padding:15px;

In your style sheet write both: padding: 15px; and margin: 0px 30px 50px 15px;

special selctors
hover, active, inactive

#seong:hover::after{ background-color:red; content: "You have made a good decision"; this means that when you hover over the image a red text will appear and say you have made a good descision

use these for interactive images

Reading documentation
inactive vs active
can make a class active

can make a class interactive

Ways to hide and display text

Visibility: hidden, visible

Opacity: 01

Display: block, none inline

tag is

used to group and style inline elements

it defines a section of an HTML page

group a block of elements together to format them with CSS

to efficiently apply the same style severak different elemnts

embedding Iframes
can attach images, videos etc. by embedding an iframe

if you go to youtube or twitter and click share the iframe comes up and you copy and past it into your code

Multi page websites
can add other files as long as they end in .css or .html
Can create multipage websites by creating style sheets.
interactions are activated when you hover over an image and click on a image
animations are added to image with using filters
sepia filer, grey-scale filter, brightness filters, blur-filter etc.