Kategorien: Alle - moon - space

von Matthew Lega Vor 11 Jahren


The Space Race

The Space Race was a period of intense competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, marked by significant milestones and iconic moments. The launch of Sputnik by the Soviets sparked widespread hysteria and a sense of urgency in the United States, captured vividly in vintage news footage and newspaper reports.

The Space Race

The Space Race

Yuri Gagarin


A video dramatizing the first successful manned space mission.

Official Soviet Video
Time Magaize Cover

This is a video showing an interview with Yirk Gagarin who was the first man in space.

Surprising facts

Apollo 13

Image from the Ron Howard flim
Wikipedia page


New York Times Retrospective

Here is an American newspaper that delivered the disappointing news that the Soviets had beaten the United States into space with the first unmanned sattelite.

The sattelite
News footage

This is vintage news footage on the sattelite and the hysteria that surrounded in in 1957.

This video provides a breif glimpse of the sattelite and an intro to the topic.

The Moon Landing

Armstrong on the moon.
The crew of Apollo 11.
Official NASA Page
Wikipedia page on the mission
Moon Landing

This is the actual footage of the moon landing itself.


This is a video from the television show mythbusters that explores whether or not the moon landing could have possibly been a hoax.