Kategorien: Alle - peacekeeping - records - independence - judges

von Julia Gammage Vor 5 Jahren


the United Nations

The United Nations is a global organization with various bodies that manage international relations and conflicts. The International Court of Justice, consisting of 15 judges serving nine-year terms, arbitrates disputes voluntarily submitted by member states.

the United Nations

the United Nations

Economic and Social council

- elected by the general assembly for three years - handles aid to needy countries -adresses health , scientific and culture issues

International court of justice( World court)

- consist of 15 judges elected for 9 year terms, with one-third retiring every three years; no country can have more then one judge at a time - rules on disputes are voluntarily submitted by member-states which are not bound to accept rulling

General Assembly

Structure of the United Nations

-Made up of representatives from all member-states -Each member has one vote -Discusses international issues - Creates subcommittees that write politics and investigate concerns


- Headed by secretary-general elected by the General Assembly for five-year term -Preserves records and carries out the orders of its executive

Security Council

5 permanent members of the UN
- consist of five permanent members - 10 non permanent and members that are voted in and stay for 2 years - Orders Sanctions - Creates new peace keeping missions

Trusteeship council

- Members are appointed by the general assembly - Responsible for administering territories that have not yet achieved independence