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A person with positive thinking mentality anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes that he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty.
Positive thinking is not a concept that everyone believes and follows. Some, consider it as nonsense, and scoff at people who follow it. However, there is a growing number of people, who accept the power of positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness.
When you think too much, instead of acting and doing things, you are overthinking.
When you analyze, comment and repeat the same thoughts over and again, instead of acting, you are overthinking.
This habit prevents you from taking action. It consumes your energy, disables your ability to make decisions, and puts you on a loop of thinking and thinking over and again.
This is a kind of thinking that wastes your time and energy and prevents you from acting, doing new things and making progress in your life.
It’s like tying yourself to a rope that is connected to a pole and going in circles again and again.
In Carl Jung 's theory of the ego, described in 1916 in Psychological Types, intuition is an "irrational function", opposed most directly by sensation, and opposed less strongly by the "rational functions" of thinking and feeling.
Parallel processing details how your brain can process different types of information at once. The processing means that it takes in the information around it and interprets it in a way your brain can understand. When you see an object, for example, your brain processes many details about the object at once.
A mindset refers to whether you believe qualities such as intelligence and talent are fixed or changeable traits.