Kategorien: Alle - variance - confidence - hypothesis

von Pero Gruyo Vor 17 Jahren



The process of hypothesis testing often involves determining whether to reject a null hypothesis (H0) based on sample data. Two types of t-tests are commonly used: one-tailed and two-tailed tests.


Hypothesis Testing and T-tests

Decision Errors

There's an inverse relationship b/t the levels of the 2 errors
Type II
Fail to reject the null when it is false
Type I
Reject the null when its true

Effect size

Importance of:
It standardizes the difference b/t means (like a Z score) so that comparisons can be made to other scales, and even other studies (meta-analysis)
Large = .8

Overlap of 53%

Medium = .5

Overlap of 67%

Small = .2

Overlap of 85%

Based on:
Population SD
Estimate of the sample mean
The amount that 2 populations do not overlap, or how much they are separated

Statistical Power

Power should be at least 80%
Depends on:
Significance level chose, type of test (1 or 2-tailed, etc.)
Effect size (sample size and SD)
Helps determine the real world significance of marginally significant findings
Helps determine how many participants are needed
The probability that the study will produce a significant result if H1 is true

one-tailed vs. two-tailed tests

two-tailed is non-directional

more stringent criteria

cutoff points must be cut in half

for p<.05 Z scores are +-1.96

one-tailed is directional

Sampling distributions

Confidence intervals
Results from a replicated experiment will fall in this interval 95% of the time
To find a score confidence interval, change the Z-scores to raw score by:

Multiply the SD by the Z score for each confidence interval and then add the mean

(1.96)(15)+100 = upper limit

Example: (-1.96)(15)+100 = lower limit

99% is b/t -2.57 and 2.57
95% is b/t -1.96 and 1.96
upper and lower ends are confidence limits
Based on the central limit theorem
The shape of a dist. of means is about normal if:

or the pop. distribution is normal

each sample has an N of 30 or more

The SD of a dist. of means is the sqroot of the variance of the dist of means

Also known as standard error (SE)

The variance (S^2) of a dist. of means is the S^2 of the pop divided by N
The mean of a distribution of means is the same as the mean of the population
you can figure out its characteristics by knowing:
the # of scores in each sample
the characteristics of the dist. of the pop of individuals

Shape - approximately normal

Spread - less than the spread of the real population

Mean - about the same as the mean of the real population

Procedure - Single sample

Decide weather to reject H0
Determine your sample's score on the comparison distribution
Figure the Z score for the sample's raw score based on M and SD of the comparison distribution
Determine the cutoff sample score (critical value) on the comparison distribution at which H0 should be rejected
Determine the characteristics of the comparison distribution
Pop Mm = Pop M
You will compare actual sample scores to the comparison distribution
Restate the question as an H1 and an H0 about the populations