von Avinash Neema Vor 7 Jahren
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Avinash Neema Section 6- Customer Experience Management
**Vodafone Delights** •Loyalty program wherein existing and new customers can enjoy benefits across various products and services offered by Vodafone. Not only this, customers can also avail of the numerous benefits across Vodafone delight partners. •To make this loyalty program successful it was important for all departments to work together to give that WOW experience to the end consumer.
Online Channels
Trade Channels
Retail Stores
Micro (Local /Individual) Marketing
Concentrated (Niche) Marketing
Differentiated (Segmented) Marketing
Undifferentiated (Mass) Market
Behavioral Segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation
Geographic Segmentation
Positioning Maps
Position Market Offering
Differentiate Market Offering
UAT sign off
Testing the Product
Hiring right resources
Product Development
Market Research
Product Pricing, Product Cost, Budget?
How will the product reach the consumers?
Who and Where are the customers?
What is the product/service Concept?
Big Cinemas
Newspaper Ads
Campaign 2
Campaign 1