Kategorien: Alle - volunteer - books - procedure - tasks

von dana philips Vor 11 Jahren


Voluneter and Libria

The document outlines the roles and responsibilities of volunteer librarians in a correctional facility. Tasks include selecting, acquiring, cataloguing, classifying, circulating, and maintaining library materials.

Voluneter and Libria

Voluneter and Librian Proceddur


This polcise should be used in conjution with Sub-section: 13.3 Library Services.
Volunteer Libriarian will a mailbox in the Program managers office
Vollunteer Liabrian will never mail letters or placse phone call for Incorsarated Inmates
Volonteer should never acept books or other reading matirals from the family of Incorsarated Inmates.
All new books donated to the phsility will be governed by the Program manager and Volunteer Librian.
All reading matiral will be inspected by volonteer and all damged books will be replaced
All books will be serced by Volunterr and Pod Officer.
A log will be keep of all matirials checked out and return by inmates.
Inmates may check out 2 books per week only.
Only 4 carts will be alloewd in apod, inmates works may assist with the carts to the traps Only.
Voletterr Librarian will be asign two INmates assistance.
Lirariy time for Inmates 8am-11:30am, 2pm - 5:30pm (upon Pod officer approvel.


Tasks may include selecting, acquiring, cataloguing, classifying, circulating, and maintaining library materials
a person who works for an organization without being paid
Shift Superviser
Program Manager