Kategorien: Alle - evaluation - funding - objectives - milestones

von Kev Hickey Vor 17 Jahren


Writing a Bid for JISC Funding

Crafting a bid for funding involves several critical steps and considerations to ensure a strong proposal. The institution's backing is vital, requiring more than just a letter from the senior management team, but full support for the proposed work.

Writing a Bid for JISC Funding

Writing a Bid

The Bid

Final Checklist
Bid Includes

Appropriate appendices (e.g. CVs)

Certificate of Bone Fide Tender (if requested)

Cover Sheet (if requested)

Letter from SMT

Hard copy & eCopy deadlines
What funding is coming from other sources?
What is the Requested funding contribution from JISC?
TRAC (Transparent Approach to Costing) for HE Bids

Non Techniical TRAC overviewhttp://www.jcpsg.ac.uk/guidance/about.htm

Breakdown Budget across April- March Years
Clear costings, % FTEs, Grades of staff

Will staff have to be seconded?

Is It a consortium bid?
Consortium Agreement Required
Evidence of previous work with the same partners or similar consortia
Backing of host institution
"more than a letter from SMT 'Fully supporting the work'"
Value for money?

Value for money and cost = 15% of Evaluation Criteria http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/capital/colban_bidding.pdf

Document dissemination, embedding and evolution methods
Project management

Quality of Proposal and Robustness of Workplan = 25% of Evaluation Criteria http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/capital/colban_bidding.pdf

Ongoing Evaluation

How will Project Success be measured?

Risk Evaluation


Evidence of Project management

Infonet Resourceshttp://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/InfoKits/project-management/software-tools

Team Members

Experience and compatibility of roles

Previous experience of project team = 15% of evaluation Critreia


Achievable milestones?
Format of content
Follows font size guidance
Clear and concise Objectives
Within max number of pages
Model for sustainability post funding?

The Idea

Meet the Criteria
Support the JISC Strategy

Appropriateness and Fit to programe objectives and Overall Value to Jisc = 25% of Evaluation Criteria http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/capital/colban_bidding.pdf

Other JISC Requirements

Could not be performed as well and more appropriately by institutions or another funding body

Technology Based

Delivers improved value for money and clear output

Unlikely without central support

Continuing to improve its own working practices
Developing and implementing a programme to support institutions' engagement with the wider community
Promoting the development, uptake and effective use of ICT within institutions and in support of their management

Good Practice

Promoting the development, uptake and effective use of ICT to support research
Promoting the development, uptake and effective use of ICT to support learning and teaching
Innovative and sustainable ICT infrastructure, services and practice that support institutions in meeting their mission
Links to College objectives?
Quote College vision/Strategy
Benefit the Community the Community

Engagement with the community = 20% of Evaluation Criteria


Stand out from the Crowd?