Anthony DiCicco
I need more help to understand and remember what they talk about. I can ask If Ms. Booras can explain it more and I'll take notes.

I think that I need to do better in geography. I need to take a lot of notes and study for tests or graded work.

I think that I need to improve in baseball. I need to improve my throwing and my stance for throwing the ball and hitting the ball. I need to practice with my dad more so I can improve. My catching also needs to be improved.

If I want to play football I have to practice throwing father, catching, and I will have to understand the places you can be on like a quarter back.

I think I need to improve my shooting and I should only pass the ball when I need to. I have a basketball net at home so I can practice by myself so I can work on shooting and I'll practice with my dad so I'll get better when holding the basketball while a guy is guarding me.

I love dodgeball but hate it when I get out so I think a few ways I could improve in dodgeball and not get out are by throwing the ball fast so noone can catch it, and become more flexible or make my reflexes faster so I can get out of the way of the ball or catch it.