BEST Illustrated Kids' Books
Advice to Little Girls
"Good little girls always show marked deference for the aged. You ought never to ‘sass’ old people unless they ‘sass’ you first."
encourages independent thinking
"If your mother tells you to do a thing, it is wrong to reply that you won’t. It is better and more becoming to intimate that you will do as she bids you, and then afterward act quietly in the matter according to the dictates of your best judgment."
Does my goldfish know who I am?
primary school compendium
funny questions
""Does my goldfish know who I am?
"Do spiders speak? "
"What do newspapers do when there is no news?"
witty answers
"Newspapers don’t really go out and find the news: they decide what gets to count as news. he important thing to remember, whenever you’re reading or watching the news, is that someone decided to tell you those things, while leaving out other things. They’re presenting one particular view of the world — not the only one. There’s always another side to the story."
Jane, the Fox, and Me
stunning graphics
children's casual brutality
find freedom by connecting with others
fictional character
everyday life
day dreams
child's life perception

You are stardust
connection with nature
"Your breath is alive with the promise of flowers."
current science
"Every day, for instance, you breathe in more than a million pollen grains."
My First Kafka
adapted stories
“Excursion into the Mountains”
“The Metamorphosis”
"“Josefine the Singer"
talking bugs
secret worlds
The Dark
confronting universal childhood fear
"Books that are meant to be read in the nighttime ought to confront the very fears that we’re trying to think about. And I think that a young reader of The Dark will encounter a story about a boy who makes new peace with a fear, rather than a story that ignores whatever troubles are lurking in the corners of our minds when we go to sleep." - the author
The Mightly Lalouche
beautiful human qualities