Main Quality Systems Implemented by Organizations

Forms and records

The forms are developed and maintained to record the data that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the management system, serve to store information of an informative nature or control the operation.

They serve as objective proof of compliance with the occupations performed in a procedure or method prior to an internal or external audit.

Quality Policies

They make it possible to define principles and protocols to improve the quality management of the entire company.


Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the company

Customer focus

Satisfy all customer requirements and strive to exceed employee expectations.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement of the general performance of companies should be a permanent objective

Commitment of people

Their total commitment enables their skills to be used for the benefit of the company.

Process approach

The desired result is achieved more efficiently when the occupations and resources involved are managed as a process.

Relationship management

A company and its suppliers are interdependent, and a beneficial relationship to increase the ability of both.

Decision-making based on evidence

Decisions are based on the analysis of data and information

External documents

It is important documented information for the Quality Management System and issued by an external entity.

They contain the information of the products and services contracted externally.

Documented procedures

They are used to carry out a set of activities in a coordinated and controlled manner with start and end dates, they are used to achieve an objective according to the requirements, including the limitations of time, costs and resources.

They act as reference points for new staff and decrease the need for verbal training.

They provide for the creation of records of the activities described.

Helps identify why mistakes are made.

Define responsibilities and authority

They prevent mistakes from being made when modifying the procedure.


Specifications are mainly documented in specification sheets, technical sheets, standards, designs, plans, including purchase and marketing contracts. They are the precise statement of the particular needs that must be satisfied.



Process specifications

Test specifications


Product Specification

Performance Specification


Quality plans

A quality plan is documented information that specifies which work procedures and resources are associated and must be applied in the process, who are the people who must apply them and when they must be applied to a specific project, product, process or contract.

They provide a way of relating the specific requirements of the process, product, project or contract with the work methods and practices that support the realization of the product or service offered.

Processes of the realization of the product and service

Quality management processes

Quality Manual

Specifies the quality management system of an organization: Regulations, Code of Conduct, Process Map, Strategic Planning, Organization Chart, Standards, Laws, Customer Requirements, Instructions and objectives.

Introduction and quality policies

General statement on the company, background, products and operating principles.

Policy statement, company quality policies and local policies related to quality.

Scheme of systems

Provides a brief description of what is done in each area of the company to control the processes that affect the products.

Index of procedures

Index of company procedures supporting the systems scheme.

Work instructions

Work Directions are documents that clearly and precisely describe the correct way to perform certain tasks that have the potential to cause problems or damage if not performed in the established manner.




Detailed written descriptions

Equipment instruction manuals

Photos and videos of the process

Bustillos Gutiérrez Omar Alonso 9°A T/M