Carbon Compounds







Benzene Ring

Hydrocarbon Derivaties

Organic Halides





Immune System

The immune system has the function to recognize the components of our body and discriminate them from those that are not.


Innate immunity

Is the first line of defense, it has an immediate response. It acts when it's in contact with pathogenic microorganisms.

Components: a) physical barriers, such as skin and mucous; b) cellular components, macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, etc.; and c) proteins, such as complements in plasma.

Adaptive immunity

Has a more delayed response, because it takes more time to take action. It has memory, that vertebrates have cells capable of recognizing, and it is specific for each pattern of pathogens.

When an outer substance activates the immune system,the lymphocytes recognize molecules of viruses and bacteria on the surface.

Tissue and Organs

Lymph nodes: its function is to filter blood, eliminate or inactivate antigens, destroy old platelets and erythrocytes.

Spleen: filters blood, eliminates or inactivates antigens, destroys old platelets and erythrocytes.

Tonsils: protects the organism from antigens that enter by air or that are ingested

Lymphoid organs: bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and mucosa in lymphoid tissue (MALTS).

Thymus: it is an encapsulated primary lymphoid organ, that is able to distinguish between "What is proper" and "what is not"

-Positive selection: T lymphocytes that are able to recognize both molecules of the body, as those that aren't.
-Adverse selection: lymphocytes are removed

Lymphatic System

Is a network of organs, lymph nodes, ducts and lymphatic vessels


Produces and transports lymph from the tissue to the bloodstream, returning the antibodies formed in the lymph nodes to the blood transporting cholesterol into the circulation through the blood vessels

The vessels lead a clear fluid (lymph) to the large venous vessels of the neck through the right lymphatic duct.

The thoracic duct begins in the abdomen, rises through the thorax and neck and empties it in the left jugular veins of the internal and subclavian veins.


Consisting of water, electrolytes and proteins, that come from the blood, circulate through the lymphatic vessels and turn into the veins, is the intermediate in the nutritional change between blood and tissues.

Skeletal System

It takes care ofbody locomotion and provides the basic morphology of the body that is to stand in two feet

Types of bones

Compact: Osteone is the basic structural unit of bone tissue; it is constituted by the Havers canal, through this tunnel the vascular elements that supply the bone pass; and around it are the lamellae containing bone cells.

Spongy: Consists of trabecular. The characteristic of this type of bone is that there are large spaces in which other tissues are lodged. Spongy bone is not as strong as the compact.


-Support of the whole organism
-Participates in locomotions
-Protects vital organs
-It is the main reservoir of ions, calcium, and phosphate
-Contains the red bone marrow

Divides in two sections

Axilar Skeleton:
- Head
- Torso

Appendicular Skeleton:
- The extremities


-Osteochondrogenic and osteogenic: are capable of developing into osteoblast and finally osteocyte.
-Osteoblasts: actively synthesize the bone matrix
-Osteocyte: is the mature cell
-Osteoclast: The cell that reabsorbs bone. That is, degrades bone matrix

Circulatory System

Is made up of blood, heart and blood vessels. Its function is to bring oxygen, nutrients and hormones to cells and eliminates waste products.

The heart pumps blood to the whole body. It is a hollow muscular organ divided into four cavities; two atriums and two ventricles.

It is a hollow muscular organ located in the middle of the lungs, inside the torax

It is composed by four segments:

-Right atrium
-Right Ventricle

In this passes blood from the veins and passes into the lungs to get oxigenated.

-Left atrium
-Left Ventricle

In this passes the oxigenated blood from the lungs and gets into the aorta arteny


It has a liquid consistency, and the average volume of blood in human body goes from 5 to 6 liters. It is made of 55% plasma and the rest is formed by cells.

Muscular System

It is constituted constituted by the muscular cells and sheaths with the connective tissue that cover them and connect the muscular masses with the rest of the locomotor system

Muscle Cells


This muscles are conected to the bones and participate in locomotion and maintaining posture


It is located around the heart.

The sarcomere is the functional unit of the striated muscle (carddiac and Skeletal)

Components of the sarcomere:
a) Thin filaments of actin and other proteins
b) Thick filaments of myosin
c) Z disks or lines


Its located in the wall of the hollow viscera, such as intestine, stomach, and blood vessels.

Tendons are connected from the muscles to the bones, and the ligaments are conected between to bones (in the joints)