Causes of WWI



and an army 3.8 million strong

Army Chief Helmut von Moltke good leader on the field
Austria declared war on Serbia and Germany had Austrias back.
Austria didn't possess any colonies outside of Europe but they still had an empire, presiding over several different regions including ethnic groups.
Germany had the second largest Navy

Great Britain
But under 250,000 men strong

Great Brtian had the largest Navy in the world!

They had 110 planes and 6 airships
Germany had seized control of modern day Tanzania, Namibia, and Cameroon Africa, some Pacific Islands and an important concession in Shandong China
Germany had small parts of Africa
Germans thought they were more superior and attack other countries for government
Wanted to build an overseas empire. Built up armies and navies
thought they could defeat any country after war is over
Britain received help from Canada when they declared war on Germany.
stereotyped by germans calling them cruel
known as greedy and obsessive over money
the governnt for most of europe a d people countries wanted their own
expanded empire, but didnt know other countries were colonizing
The British empire was the largest, it spanned almost over a quarter of the globe
Britain had dominant imperial power, they had Canada, India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.
Britains navy helped reinforce its imperial power
Russia wanted some of Austria- Hungary's land but, Austria didnt give it to them.
known as uncultured from other countries

Germany was apart of the Triple Alliance.

Helped out Austria-Hungary when their Archduke was assassinated.

Army size of 3 million

35 airplanes and one airship

Small navy
Good sized navy
Army of 300,000
32 planes in their airforce
More than 4 million in their army
Navy was growing expentionally

Austria Hungary

Russia ruled modern day Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Georgia and several regions in central Asia
refused to gove lamd to, serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand
wanted control over serbia (russias alliance)
wanted independance from slave nation

France received help from Canada and Britain when Germany tried to execute the schlieffen plan.

Russia was apart of the Triple Entente
When Germany attacked France, Russia helped by attacking Germany to scater their troops.

Great Britain was apart of the Triple Entente.
Italy was originally apart of the triple alliance but switched sides on April 26th 1915 when France offered some land.
Italy by 1914 moved into Northern Africa, occupying modern day Libya, Somalia, and Eritrea. Italy also had small concession in China
winning allies made italy a divided state

France was apart of the Triple Entente

Austria-Hungary was apart of the Triple alliance so they helped Germany when Germany got double teamed by France and Russia.
France: Nationalism
didnt want to be apart of britain and demanded war
with britain they ended war by peace and no more fighting
France and Britains land owning increased and that created tension between Germany because it was too late to acquire colonies
France was a super imperial power