Digital Imaging
10. Research 5 different Digital Imaging-related carreers in the Occupational Handbook and describe them.
Website designer
With graphic designers and computer programmers,
website designers create a website visually appealing
to their audience.
Photographer takes photos with a camera and then
photoshops it to give the photo a more artistic view.
Field Service Technician
They repair any troubleshoot problem on your
Graphic Designer
They plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to the
website. They create all the visuals for the website.
Computer Programmar
They write, test, and maintain the code. Their
jobs vary a lot since not all codes are the same.
1. Writing and designing Web Pages: do's and don't
Webpage that is easy to navigate and clean.
High Resolution Images.
Pick colors that go well with each other.
Keep your text clean and simple with a
compatible font
Compile everything (buttons and text) together
Don't add in different colors that don't go well together
Use copyrighted images
Spam information
Use bad HTML or go into writing a webpage without
the proper knowledge
2. Producing HTML documents for business
HTML means HyperText Markup Language
HTML is the skeleton of all websites
HTML follows a strict structure is which every text
has to be between "<>" and "</>" to give it a
propertyto the text and a placement on the webpage.

To create HTML pages with cool designs and graphics
for your business you must know how to add in CSS and
4. Scanner and Camera
Method of capturing images and uploading them into
your computer.

6. HTML and source code
In a website, the source code is HTML or the code used
for creating a website.
In HTML, the <source> tag is used <video> and <audio>
to find the audio, video or image on your computer or on
the internet.
8. Working with Layers and Filters
Filters are used to change the way an image and
video looks like, and audio to change the way you
hear it.
Layers are ways to add in the filter to an image,
video, or audio. With layers you can add not only
one filter, if not many filters to altercate your media.
"How Do I View the Source Code of a Web Page?" How Do I View the Source Code of a Web Page? Web. 26 Nov. 2015. <>;.
"HTML(5) Tutorial." HTML Tutorial. Web. 26 Nov. 2015. <>;.
"Website Storyboarding | Examples, How To and Sitemap." Website Storyboarding | Examples, How To and Sitemap. Web. 26 Nov. 2015. <>;.
"HTML Introduction." Introduction to HTML. Web. 26 Nov. 2015. <>;.
Web. 26 Nov. 2015. <>;.
"Top 10 Dos and Don'ts of Web Design - WebIntel by Ironpaper." WebIntel by Ironpaper. 11 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Nov. 2015. <>;.
Occupational Outlook Handbook. Indianapolis, IN: Jist Works, 2006. Print.
Strauss, Roy, and Patrick Hogan. Developing Effective Websites: A Project Manager's Guide. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Focal, 2001. Print.
Talking YOUR TECH By: Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY, USA Today, 07347456, OCT 24, 2011
3. Storyboarding for your web site
To create a storyboard is to help you
visualize your webpage.
It saves you time and money
You start with drawing the homepage
and you make it attractive.
When creating the storyboard always
keep asking yourself questions about
the structure and design.

5. Using external media: Images, sound and video
For video you must add "<video>" at the
beginning and "</video>" at the end. If the file
is mp4 you add in mp4 as an extension. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
For Images you must add "<object>" at the
beginning and "</object>" at the end. If the file
is jpeg you add in .jpeg as an extension. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<object data="audi.jpeg"></object>
For Sound you must add "<audio>" at the
beginning and "</audio>" at the end. If the file
is mp4 you add in .mp4 as an extension. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<audio controls>
<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
7. Linking pages
In HTML, links are defined with the <a> tag.
You can link to other webpages on the Internet
or link locally on your webpage. The difference
is if you add https:// at the beginning or not.
If you use "<a href = https://www. ------" you
can add a specific text that you want linked.

9. Image map
Image maps are used to link various objects
in one image.
For example: if I have an image of a playground,
I use image maps for you to click on the image
and make it more interactive