Darwin's evolution

Darwin's book"the origins of species"1859

Darwin's theories of evolution

based on observation

particular species aren't very identical but can differ

differences are inherted and passed to offspring

differences like some run faster,various colors

the rise of new species need "Geographical isolation"

Evidence of evolution

the fossil records show different living populations over time

the existance of mammals

Darwin's propositions

The change in the physical environment caused individuals to new circumstances

new species from the natural selection

the selective action happen when species struggle to survive(natural selection)

changes in the environment

competion within individual to survive

genetic mutation/variation

the fittest or well adjusted biologically

pass the favorable traits to offspring

the process of evolution takes a very long time

not necessarily the change is a bonus/good

Artificial selection"selective breeding"

desirable traits

increase the size like great dane

All human beings share a common ancestor

monkeys,and other apes are our closest relatives

The Golapogos islands' role

Isolated islands from the main land

not inhabited by humans

alot of observations were done

the Finches discovery

similar to others in South America

differ from other species in the Beak size

Evolution and religion contadict?!

time-tested evolution doesn't refute the presence of god

Gensis book's formation of the world can agree with science

Darwin's theories of evolution misconceptions

Evolution is a ladder of progress

Evolution theory is a theory about the origin of life

Darwin's focus was on earth's changes on the earth

Because evolution is not observed and testible,so it is not a science

the fossil record

Genetic mutations"fruits"

Artificial selecetion

fossil record isn't complete so the evolutionary theory is false

Humans are originally monkeys