Developed vs. Non-Developed Countries
Non- Developed
Inadequate Infrastructure
No public transportation, no cars, no
modern buildings.
High Infant Mortality Rate
No modern medicines to keep children
alive, no prenatal care.
Brain Drain
Intelligent people are moving to
other countries where their
intelligence is better used
Lack of Entrepreneurs
Brain Drain creates lack of entrepreneurs that would
industrialize and push economy forward.
One Crop Economy
Only creates one crop to trade with bigger,
more developed countries, very inefficient.
Has access to public transportation
and developed buildings
Individual Income
Indivual income is a sign
of effective industrialization.
Low Infant Mortality Rate
Life expectancy rate is high,
meaning developed medicines.
Good Living Conditions
High standard of living means people
are supporting themselves with their
own individual income.
High Production Efficency
Can turn out many products with
limited time
How to become a developed nation:
Promote education. This will create more a intelligent population that will push the country forward by creating businesses with more efficient productions, designing infrastructure, and developing medicines for a healthier population.
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