
Anorexia often begins during the years before adolescence or adolescence, or early adulthood and is more common in women, although it can also be seen in men. Its causes can be:

- Having an anxiety disorder in childhood - Having a negative self-image - Be more concerned or pay more attention to weight and figure


Symptoms include fainting, dizziness and low blood pressure

Behavior: social isolation, unbridled appetite, compulsive behavior, hyperactivity or impulsiveness

Menstrual: irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation



Conversational therapy can help with self-esteem and changes in behavior.

Interpersonal therapy: Short-term psychological treatment that focuses on the relationships of the person with others.

it is characterized by a systematic rejection of food and is generally observed in young people; It is usually accompanied by provoked vomiting, extreme thinning and, in the case of women, disappearance of menstruation.

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by intense self-induced weight loss and a deep fear of weight gain. Informacion: