
Who do I know?

200 Instagram Followers

Following 180 on Instagram

Friend Runs multiple YYC instagram pages that accumlate to 30,000 followers

300 Facebook Friends

People at SAIT, MRU, UofC, UofA,UofL

Cousin started a non-for-profit organization

People who have worked at the Real Canadian Superstore in Coventry Hills

Family in Canada, USA, India and UK

Lots of friends

What do I know

2 year experience as a courtesy clerk at superstore

1 year retail experience

1 year experience in fast food industry

Former basketball player

Working out consistently for the past two years

Second year of BCOMM degree at UofC

Familiar with Microsoft office and Access

Who am I ?

Fitness enthusiast

Flexible Dieter





Enjoy relaxing and watching movies

Goal Conscious

Ability to adapt

Car fanactic