Factors Afecct the
Learning Process
Biological Development

includes stages of brain development
and the functions they perform in each,
and that failure is a factor affecting education
The pre-natal stage
of remarkable change that
helps set the stage for future psychological development
Before birth
Human brain development takes place in the third gestational week and extends at least through late adolescence
Grow an development
stages in infants a children
Child development is strongly influenced by genes passed on from their parents, events during prenatal life, environment and the child’s learning capacity. Child development covers the following skills
The biology of child
full development of any learning is allowed
The biology of adolescent
In terms of the brain development, it is necessary to remark that the frontal lobe of the adolescents which is responsible for judgment, impulse, and control and planning are still maturing
efers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being and a resource for living and enjoying a full life.
there are factors and diseases that do not allow the correct development of learning, and these are present in health
Poor sleep


Importance of breakfast
Chronic health

Equity and Equality
In Education
refers to men and women
and the opportunities provided
to them in education and the
woman with the fewest opportunities
to study
economic situation and the
ability to access quality education
provide the same access to both
genres in the same way
provide opportunities and
access to the person according to their need