Forms Of Business Ownership
Sole Proprietorship
Your own boss
Funds and investment come from the owner
Has many responsibilities such as accounting,
arrange displays and cleaning
Starting a business and easy and less expensive
than other forms of business ownership
The owner is responsible for all the losses and profits
Unlimited Liability
The franchiser gives the right to
the name, design and operation procedure to another business
Franchisee buys the legal license
Hybrid ownership
$450,000 fee needed for the franchise fee
Franchisee pays monthly pay to franchiser
Owned by the workers and or members who buy
the products
Service not profit
Members only have one vote regardless
of number of shares owned
Profit is distributed according to how much each
member spends at the co-operative business
Operated by 2 or more individual's
All partners have unlimited liability in
general partnership
Partners have limited liability in a
limited partnership
Working relationship between partners
Granted legal status with rights and privileges
Can be multinational or small
Individuals who buy shares become owners
The more shares a person owns the more power
Board of directors run the corporation
Limited liability to shareholders