How do floods affect
people living in cities?


Injuries, spread of diseases and loss of lives

People may be injured by leftover debris and objects washing along

Floodwaters may cause buildings to collapse and injure or kill people

When people are caught in the flood for a long time, they can suffer from hypothermia with symptoms such as constant shivering, confusion and loss of coordination.


Floodwaters can cause damage to property and even sweep houses away

During floods, people may have to evacuate to emergency shelters

Some people have to stay in these emergency shelters for long periods of time after the flood while trying to rebuild their houses

Disruption to clean water supply

The supply of clean water may be disrupted due to damaged water pipes

Sewage pipes may also burst, causing sewage to flow and contaminate water supplies

Economic impacts

Damage to machinery and equipment

Floods can damage machinery and equipment such as drilling machines, cranes and computers

The machinery and equipment may be submerged in water and cause damage to the motors other electrical components

Damage to transport infrastructure

During a flood, transport infrastructure can become impassable because they may be submerged or damaged

Disruption to energy supply

Floods can disrupt the supply of energy by affecting its distribution.
