Importance of Sustainable City

SOLUTION: Smaller and Narrow roads means everyone would slow down and stay in their lane and also be more cautious .
PROBLEM: The need for smaller roads is a big thing and a safety thing. Having not wide roads, lowers the risk of crashes and traffic.
SOLUTION: But seeing how there are barely any other than the big cities means that we aren't fully safe. This can also reduce traffic and is good exercising.
PROBLEM: Seeing how cars make a big and not a good difference means that we need to start riding our bikes and scooters. But in order to ride a bike safely in our city is to ride on bike lanes.
EXAMPLES: Guru Nanak street has a bike lane but only on that street, it doesn't continue after both intersections.
REASONINGS: Having to bike on the road is really dangerous, knowing the road is made for cars and not bikes so sidewalks are probably a safer option.

PROBLEM: More cars and factories in cities can make the air dirty and hard to breathe which leads to air pollution and climate change. Cars are also the reason we have traffic so that also leads to loud noises.
SOLUTION: Using Bikes, scooters or even walking can just make a massive effect.
EXAMPLES: There are now eco friendly bikes and scooters and you just need to pay $1.15 just to start riding for both scooter and bike. They have been placed in brampton for so the pollution will get less.

PROBLEM: The more people that we have in our cities is also the more liter that we are going to find in either a garbage can or on the ground in the park, mall or even after having a party.
EXAMPLES: There are also animals everywhere in those area and they are chances they can eat the trash on the floor which leads to going to vet
SOLUTION: People need to properly dispose of their trash and need to start to be aware of the environment because they will be living there for next 5 years.
EXAMPLES: Though it’s a highway, highway 401 has really wide roads and 5 lanes