Judgement & Decision Making
Decision Making: Concerned with choosing among options
concerned with potential consequences
Judgement: the process used in drawing clusions from the knowledge and evidence available
concerned with accuracy
Classic views on decision making
Bayes Theorem(Normative)
probabilties of base rate and likelyhood ratio.
futher studies show we tend to forget / ignore the base rate
We don't know the probabilities
Simons Satisficing model(Descriptive)
opt for a choice that is good enough
generate alternatives until a good enough one is found. might not be best
in line with that we have limited cognitive resources & time
heuristics can lead to biases or poor decisions
Decision support systems
Cognitive prothesis aims to reduce poor decision making of the human (traditional export systems)
Cognitive tools aim to support adaptive decision making rather than replace decision maker e.g. spreadsheets for 'what-if'
Judgement bias
Ignoring base rates, only surface evidence used,
Representative heuristics
events that are representatyive or typical of a class are assigned a high probabilityof occurance
e.g. if someone has learned to use a button by double clicking,they will continue to do this?
Availability heuristic
estimating requencey of events based on how easy it is to recall the relevent info from LTMe.g. letter r, more start of words, or third letter words.
Support theory
an event will appear more likely if it is supported by a description
why? it may draw attention to what could happenor memory limitations may mean people do not rememer al of the relevantinfo if it is not supplied
Recognition heuristic
Confirmation bias
memory is distorted by expectations
Primacy effects
tend to remember items/actions at the beginning than the end
e.g. used in the classroom
Recency effect
tend to remember items/actions at the end
Sensitive to loss than gain
More recent views on decision making
Naturalistic (Klein)
Study of how people make decisions in complex, varied in situ environments
Situation awareness
perception of elements in the environment given time/space
The comprehension of their meaning
Projection of their status in the future