MLS Learning Jacksonville Florida
1. Reach out to all community Middle and High Schools, to notify them that MLS will be having a clotheing drive to be donated to shelters in the community.
2. create application to keep up with hours for youth, contain: name, address, telephone, email,school, parent name and phone number, grade , age.
3. chart at bottom with time in, time out, date, hours, total hours, name.
Community Outreach Program
Youth Community Service Hours
1. identfy shelters
2.send follow -up letter to company from Kennedy
3.MLS Letter head paper
4. intro. Kennedy and something about herself and desceip. what she is trying to do.
Clothing collection
1. contact TBIC to use space for clothes
2. selecte date
3. adult voleneteers to help
1.the purpose of this program
2. Kennedy Title- Youth Outreach Coordinator for MLS Center
Thrift Shop
1. identify grants for thrift store
Jobs for Youth
1.Create summer and after school for youths and college students.
1. once a quarter donate clothes to locate shelters.
2. donate 10% of profit to locate shelters once a quarter.