
Benefits of Orion

Improves Safety Of Patients

Quality Assurance

Decreases Work Load

Operates more Efficiently

Helps Maintain Profits

Better Service for Customers

Provides easy Access to Patient Data at the POC

Easy Searching

Data Mining and Analysis

Incorparation of EBP

Reduction in Medication Errors


Cost is estimated to exceed $700,000 per Hospital.

Physician Expenses around $30,000 per Doctor.

Financial Programs available for the Implementation.


Healthcare Clinician's should be involved in all aspects, the design and developement and implication.

An update should occur when error's are identified and periodically as mandated by law.


Health Clinician's have to change password every 30-60 days.

Health Clinician's have to carry ID cards.


Limit authorization to write files to a device.

Anti-Virus Softward which updates daily or weekly.

Firewalls and Proxy Servers.

Intrusion Detection System


Key Player's

Adam Owens will be the Head of the Workflow Specialist Team.

Ashley Wilson will be in Charge of Education and Communication.

Anna Francisco will be the Software Developer and Informatics Specialist.

EHR Component

8 Components/Person w./ Access

1. Health Imformation and Date/ Physicians, Nurses and any person with a "Need to Know"

2. Results Management/ Physicians, Nurses and any person with a "Need to Know"

3. Order Entry Management/ Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacist, PT/OT

4. Decision Support/ Health Risk Screen's and Detection's also Clinical Guidelines for Desease Management.

5. Electronic Communication and Connectivity/ Healthcare Team Members, Patients (including email, Web Messaging, Integrated Health Records, and TeleMedicine)

6. Paitent Support/ Patient Education and Self-Monitoring Tools. Home TeleMonitoring and TeleHealth Systems.

7. Administrative Processes/ Electronic Scheduling, Billing, and Claims Management Systems.

8. Reporting and Population Health Management/ Data Collection Tools to support public and private reporting requirements which includes date in a standardized terminology and machine readable format.

Key Player's

Administration, Nurse Manager's, Support Staff, Performance Improvement Analyse, and Ancillary Staff