Planning Lessons Differentiated by Readiness

Foundational to Transformational

materials and tasks need to be basic to help the students build a solid foundation of understanding

Concrete to Abstract

Students need to grasp key information before tackling meanings or implications

Simple to Complex

Some students may be able to handle more than one abstraction at a time and some may not

Single facet to mutiple facet

Students need a flexible approach in order to make connections

Small leap to great leap

Students make mental leaps from reading and using the information to application, insight and transfer

Structured to open-ended

Students need basic understanding before feeling comfortable with exploration

Dependent to Independent

Skill building, structured independence, shared independence and self-guided independence

push students just a bit beyond their comfort zone

Slow to Fast

Match pacing to your students' needs

Content, Process and Product

To clarify their thinking and challenge them appropriately