How can we promote inter-religious peace, acceptance, and tolerance within our constantly changing and multi-cultural society?

Participate in community peace-building initiatives to promote acceptance among members of the society.


We must acknowledge that you do not have to agree upon different beliefs and faiths in order to live harmoniously among each other.

Continuing to divide and isolate members of our society whose beliefs do not align with ours will directly affect initiatives to create inter-religious harmony and tolerance. Instead, we should be welcoming.


Understand that faith is a sacred thing to many people; it can be a large part of their identity.


Education & Understanding of different faiths, cultures, and traditions is vital to further advance religious unity within a community of various cultures.

We must meet unfamiliar cultures and beliefs with open minds, the media is not an accurate portrayal of religions, cultures, and nationalities.

Coexistence is attainable within our society and not impossible to acheive