Renee Shrestha
I want to improve in computers, meaning that I want to know what the keys do, and spend more time on the computer to see new things, like websites.

I want to also focus on football and start playing it because i love watching it and it's interesting to see more they play, so I want to start playing football and start watching more, so i can see how they play. In football I want to play quarter back.

I want to spend more time with my family, like go out to eat, and not spend all my time in the room. I want to have a real family dinner with them and play some board games with them. I love my family and want to tell them everything.

I want to focus more on art. Like spend more time doing it and focus more. I want to be good artist, so to do that you need to focus on art more.

I need to exercise more and the ways that I can do it is some yoga because my grandpa does yoga and he could help me in the morning and also I can be more active and go outside to play or even go to the park.

I want to start being organize. I want to start by cleaning my stuff and then organizing, like my books, and my closet and put my close in color order. I need to start giving the things I don't need, like toys, and the clothes that don't fit me.