Defending North America By: Charis Yau, SS11

The Scraping of the Avro Arrow


After stopping the project, Canada in dependent on American-made jets and their interceptor missiles

Costs has soared and the plan Avro Arrow plan was stopped

Government's order shrank to 100, costs rising made Canada stop their production

After the disbandment of the Canadians that worked on this project, the resulting scientists and engineers went to work for the US


Continuiation of the design of the Avro Arrow

Americans does not want to be overpowered by Canada (if they couldn't build a fighter of such quality, neither should Canada)

Canada could've became a technological leader

Gained recognition in making the most advanced fighter plane in the world at the time

Canada's Acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963


Canada would live up to its NORAD and NATO commitments.

Despite the absence of formal agreement, US and Canada had informal arrangements of nuclear warheads in case of attack.

Most Canadians feared for disagreement because they were reliant of USA's trade and investment with the USA

Not only is it a defence for Canada, it is also defending the United States


Canada initially wanted the deployment of the nuclear Bomarc missiles but then refused

If Canada continued its commitment in stopping the availability of these missiles in times of crisis

Canada's indecision over the installation of nuclear warheads in the Bomarc missiles left the USA open to attack from Soviet bombers.

Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis


The Soviet Union and USA found a solution in 13 days

Diefenbaker at last put on his troops on alert after listening to Canada's response to help the USA immediately

US created a blockade around the island on war alert


Canada doesn't want to be under USA's say all the time and wanted t stand against

Most of US and Canada cities were vulnerable to quick attack by the building of nuclear missile launch

Canadian government hesitated to help USA as a ally in NORAD and refused to place its forces on alert in belief it was done for Canada's interests

Damage to USA-Canada relations