Texas State University
IT Objectives
Objective: Hopes and Aspirations High: Support University Change Initiatives based upon strategic plan priorities
Student Success
9000 today; 12 - 15k beds on campus
Canyon 1000 2025, Hilltop to 11k by 2027
New Dining hall 2027
Need: Fiber in the apartments (Balcones/Sanctuary and Cypress/Vistas) no later than Fall 2025
Health, Counseling, Well Being
Summer Aux Maximization
TXST Global
Round Rock
Presidential Commission on Student Success
Run to R1
Operational Effectiveness
Brand Acceleration
Deans and Centers
Institutional Research
Monitor President's project list to assure priorities and alignment to IT resources
Faculty Senate
Objective: Provide Continuously Available and Secure Critical Services
Objective: Develop and Refine an Efficient, Accurate OCM and Program Management Practice
Objective: Create professional development opportunities that assist students, faculty, and staff in improving their effectiveness and enhancing workforce readiness
Main topic
Examine central IT KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) by June 2025.
Finalize an employee engagement plan for each AVP's unit by December 2024 with input from the Employee Engagement Committee
Start formally building a new IT community of Practice by March 2025
Identify and assess existing social structures and activities
Create new social structures
Create social and professional development event schedules to amplify our alignment to corporate goals
Develop Total Salary Analysis and Talent Management practice that shows Total Employee Experience (Comp+Benefits+Culture) and clear OKRs/MBOs for each AVP by December 2024
Plan to attain compensation minimums by September 2025 and finalize next fiscal year
Health and Wellness
Move employee engagement from 55% to 70% by 2026
Objective: Rationalize Our TXST Technology Portfolio to Align to Expense and Quality Tolerances of Our Strategic Plan
Asset Rationalization
Develop ERP and Data and Analytics Tools and Infrastructure Strategy and Choices by December 16th, 2024
Develop Next Generation Network Plan including Bill of Materials and Roll out plan in advance of next budget cycle first Draft March 2025
Establish an initial Services Management Practice that aligns quality (SLO), security, and expense using the CAUDIT and EDUCAUSE frameworks by January 2025
Move 100% of our on premises hosting workload to the Cloud starting in January 2025.
Effectively Manage Multi Year IT contracts
Objective: Develop a Process Improvement Capability Based on Lean Six Sigma to Continuously Build Improvement into Critical Business Processes
Objective: Address project or operations issues identified in 2023/24 IT Assessment
Assessment Actions
Improving IT Infrastructure and Support
Enhancing IT Security and Compliance
Improving IT Services and User Experience
Addressing Specific IT Challenges
Developing Collaborative and Supportive IT Culture