the common spider monkey
they feed on fruits, nuts and leaves
but they can consume the eggs of birds, insects,
PerĂº y Colombia

These monkeys have been hunted for food, and young monkeys are often caught in the wild and sold in the illegal pet trade where they are carried under inhumane conditions as household pets. T he black-handed spider monkey is now locally extinct in much of the Paso del Istmo.
The body size of the common spider monkey ranges from 45 to 50 cm
with a very long prehensile tail of about 74 to about 81 cm
They have a bare face and black skin, and sometimes less pigmented around the orbits and the buccal region.
Interesting Facts
Females have a fairly large clitoris, which can make it difficult to distinguish them from males.
However, the males have no problem recognizing them, and after a courtship they choose their mate.
The gestation period is between 226 and 232 days, and then the female gives birth to a single young. The birth of twins is very rare. On the mother falls the task of caring for her little one, whom she feeds with breast milk during the first months.