The Decade Of Satisfaction And Misery
Dirty 30's
People are buying all the new consumer products that were becoming available
Companies needed more people to work
Companies opened new factories
Companies were expanding rapidly
Demand for products were not at the same pace as before
Companies started making more products then they could ever sell
Price drops and not much products were selling
In many Canadian cities lots of people did not have jobs (25%)
Leaving people homeless,hungry
Some people couldnt afford many things
People protested to get their job back at places they used to work
People who had jobs had a decreases in their wages
Factories closing because there were no sales
Standard of living decreases

Buying on credit
Loans became available during this time
People took advantage of this
People started buying unnecessary things and started playing around with the stock market
Around the end of the 30s people had a hard time paying off the loans
People started spending more money then they made

Stock Market Crash
With most people buying with borrowed money the stock market was headed in a bad place
Share prices dropped
Causing panic people tried to get rid of their shares as fast as they can
On October 29,1929 New York stock exchanged caved in and stock prices became nothing
"black tuesday"
Stock markets around the world followed this
Billions of investments and dollars became worthless
People basically lost everything
Banks and governments overreacted
US called back their loans and stopped trading with other countries
Affected Canada because Canada and America were big trading partners
Many Branches closed
Banks called back their loans too
Banks seized their property
People lost their homes,cars and even the clothes they had

Prairies experienced the worst drought
Didn't rain for about a decade
Farms turned to dust and plants, tress died
soon resembling as a desert
Roaring 20's

Model T

Henry Ford made an assembly line
More roads and infrastructure needed
spent $94,000,000
Built by the ford motor company
Was the most popular automobile at this time

Telephone usage
Phone had 2 pieces
First developed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
Used for communication more effectively
Economic Growth

This time the economy was growing
Forestry,Mining,Wheat,Technological manufacturing
More agriculture
Mostly took place in Ontario,Quebec and the praires
American companies invested in Canada more branches opened up in Canada meaning more money and economic growth
Here is a chart showing how high economic growth was in the 20s
Arts & Media

It was like a television back in the time
Canadians listened to Jazz music
Canadians were influenced by Americas culture
The radio aired operas,music,sport broadcasts,drama comdey
$0.25 to see a movie at this time
Charlie Chaplin was a very popular star
Movies with sound in them were called "talkies"
First talkie was made in 1927
Dances mostly danced to jazz music
The Charleston
Black Bottom
3 Step Dance
Well known among the youngsters
Most sports played in the 20s were b-ball,hockey,baseball

Lionel Conacher was an energetic competitor

Foster Hewitt a Canadian radio supporter who was notable for his in depth calls for "hockey night in Canada
Made more people watch the sports channel and got lots of people intrested
Visual Arts
Mostly inspired by European styles
The grouo of seven
Members:Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H. MacDonald and Frederick Varley.
The group traveled to several places to get ideas for their paintings
More job opputunities in the city had more people settling in
the process by which cities are formed
Urbanization was rising noticebly in Toronto and Montreal
Population was rising
more stores,houses,schools,hospitals were needed
Health Care Advancements

Frederick Banting

A doctor from Toronto
Created the formula for insulin to control diabetes
He tested it on dogs first
Testing on dogs was not a bad thing back then and people accepted it
His first patient Leonard Thompson a 14 year had successful results
His formula helped many people with diabetes

James Collip
Discovered the parathyroid hormone which improved understanding of the calcium concentrations in the body
Slang words
Apple sauce
Big cheese
Gin Mill
Flat- tire

Broke social rules
Drank and hung out with men at clubs
Started wearing provocative clothing
Became known as flappers

Danced with men (charleston)
Women became more involved in the society then they ever been before
They mostly worked as secretaries,teachers,nurses,factory workers,sales clerk
getting payed half as much as men did
Earned more rights