The Lost Dreamer
Lizz Huerta
To prove that women are strong and have a purpose
To love and care for your family
To not use someone because of what they have
Main characters
can see beyond the current world
has the rare gift of dreaming the truth
supposed to see beyond the current world
a seer
can't tell other people about her gift of dreaming
Main idea
The main idea was that King Alcan of Alcanzeh wanted to end the dreamers' legacy permanently.
Main topic
The main topic of the book was the relationship between gifts and how they are manifested within and outside of tradition and practice.
The book
"I've stopped Dreaming." (Pg, 120)
"Not just the temple, I saw you leaving Alcanzeh," (Pg, 121)
Female strength
Patriarchal power
Family seperation
Main Events
A new king enters the city of Alcanzeh
Fire warriors come back to Alcanzeh
Indir would have to leave Alcanzeh and her home so she and her mother could explore and help others
Saya starts dreaming with her necklace off for the first time in her memory.