Auran Chumsky
He born im philadelphia 1928
He focused in the structure of language
He looked the Grammar and santactic
All the persons think and create
He made the mecanic of language
He said that people have language when they born
He said that we have the hablity to provide our own language
Jean Piaget

He think that in each stage the child think different
His theory is " cognitive development"
He classified in four stages
sensitive moral
concrete operational
Teacher has to focus in that they already know
The Difference with Vygotsky is that Piaget said that yls learn by their enviroment and Vygotsky said that they learn by socialization
John B. Watson
He born in South of Caroline January/9/1878
He died on september 22, 1978
Psichology should be the science of observable bahavior

His experiment was "Little Albert"
Fear of a white rat
He demostrate that fear could be generalized
Benjamin Bloom
He born in pensylvania on February/21/1930
He died on september/13/1999
His theory about educational language taxonomy
Those can be clasify into 6 levels

He gave his Ss a modal study investigation each level depends on the students abilities
María Montessory

She is from Italy
She improved activities that was touched objects (manipulated)

Teacher is a helper
Teacher doesn't do things for them
Students have to be comfortable to know the world
Teacher has to be concentrated in their enviroment
Humans need activities to learn
Edward Thorndike
He born on August/21/1874
He born in massachusets
He was a psicologist
He died when he was 75 years old
His theory is cause and effect

Ivan Pavlov
He born in Russia 1849
He died in 1936
He belived in conditioning as a form of learning
He demostrated techniques of studing reactions to the enviroment in a scientific objective

His experiment:Classical conditioning
stimulus of the dog whit the food (salivation)
These reflexes originate in cerebral cortex of brain
John Dewey

Ss learn how to live
The founder of New school
Born in Burlington 1859
Died in United States1952
He think that Ss hace the opportunity to take part in their own learning
He puclished 700articles, 140 journals in 40 books
He graduated from The university of Vermont
He said that education and learning are social and interactive precess
He born in Russia, 1896
He died of tuberculosis in 1934 when he was 38 years old
Socioculture Theory

Development depends on interaction with people
In three ways
Instucted learning
trough collaborative learning