Tourism a pleasure and an industry


Romans escape the heat of the city

Middle Ages: journeys to holy places

19th century: more comfort and speed, affordable holidays

20th century: international tourism

tourism nowadays

well-organised business

catering to every kind of customer. High-end to low-budget

weekend trips, mini-breaks

two week standard beach holiday


adventure tourism

medical tourism

culinary tourism

rise in niche

Negative aspects

overuse of natural resources, damage of useful ecosystems, harming the habitants from animals and can lead to the loss of local culture


tourism as industry

Tourism supports more than 284 million jobs

4th largest global export

tourism has increased enormously

Over one million international arrivals

many different services profit from Tourism



amusement parks

souvenir retailers


minimisation of negative impacts

many countries support a consistent and responsible tourism

ecotourism as a very important point

environmentally friendly

contains the lifestyle of the locals

reduce the CO2 emissions

each human should take care on the Environment