Twelfth Night
Character Analysis
Duke Orsino
stubborn 1.1, 18-22
arrogant 2.0, 99-110
obssive 1.4, 14,16
weaknesses and flaws
moody 2.4,77-79
masocustic 1.1, 1-15
turmented by feeling of love 11, 1-5
strenghts and desire
generous 1.5,234-240
virtuous 1.5,236-240
well educated 1.5,236-240
Lady Olivia
Strenght and desires
vain 1.5,278,280
calculating to get voila to return 1.5,281-286
Weakness and flaws
Depressed 1.1,27-32
Dramatic indulgence 1.1,27-32
impulsive 1.5,281-286
Significant events
Death of her brother 1.1,33-34
olivia develops feeling for cesario 1.5, 276-280
father died 12 months previous 1.2, 36
polite 1.2,49-52
blunt 1.5,171 ,174
vehement 1.5, 269-268
jealous 1.5,264-268
resilient 1.2, 54-65
insighful 2.2,15-20
her brother is lost at sea 1.2, 8-17
disguises herself as a job with duke 1.2,55-62
becomes awake of olivia feelings 2.2, 15-19