1 Science Skills
Mini Lecture 1.0
Writing a Lab Report
Topic 1.0 Accuracy Vs Precision
Mini Lecture 1.1 Significant Figures
Should Knows
1. Zero Rule, Addition Rule, Multiplication Rule, Rounding Rule
Should Do's
1. Present answers using Sig Figs

1) 0.00004050 = 4 Significant Figures
2) 54,700 = 3 Significant Figures
3) 1,000.09 = 6 Significant Figures
4) 0.039 = 2 Significant Figures
1) 5.4589 - 2.33 = 3.13
2) 16.872 + 3.8 = 20.7
3) 2.33 x 18 = 42
4) 31.9 / 7.318 = 4.36
What is the Zero Rule?
1) Non-zero digits are significant.
2) Zeros in between other digits are significant.
3) Leading zeros are not significant.
4) Trailing decimals zeros are significant.
What is the Multiplication/Division Rule?
When multiplying or dividing, use the fewest number of sig figs.
What is the Addition/Subtraction Rule?
When adding or subtracting, use the fewest number of decimal places.
Topic 1.2 Metric Conversions