Dys associated indicators
Troubles in word or rhymes
Struggles with learning new words
Struggles recognizing letters and making them into sounds
Troubles with separating sounds in words
Troubles in recognizing common words
Mirroring of words and letters
Absence of spaces between words and sentences
Absence or misuse of punctuation marks during reading comprehension
Frequently re-reading passages and words
Frequent gap between oral and written grades
Preference of multiple choice over essays and short answers
Frequently doesn’t read at expected grade level
Poor auditory short-term memory

Difficulties with fine motor skills (tripod grasp, scissors, buttons, shoelaces)
Difficulties with math and arithmetic
Difficulties with geometry and special problems
Difficulties with nonverbal communication
Memory problems
Difficulties with gross motor skills (tripping, bumping into things, prone to accidents)
Takes longer to respond and reply to actions
Usually loses things
Problems with organizational skills
Difficulties with inclusion and peer acceptance

Troubles with reading their own handwriting
Frequent grammatical and syntax errors
Misuse of words
Troubles in word or rhymes
Struggles with learning new words
Struggles recognizing letters and making them into sounds
Absence or misuse of punctuation marks during writing
Preference of multiple choice over essays and short answers
Avoids writing
Frequently doesn't write at expected grade level
Wrong use of capital and lowercase letters
Difficulties with letter and word spacing
Difficulties with fine motor skills (tripod grasps, scissors, buttons, shoelaces)
Preference in conveying text orally than written
Troubles with spelling
Difficulty with calculation
Difficulty to recognize and recall maps and 3D shapes
Difficulty with problem solving
Difficulty to recognize and write numbers
Difficulty recalling mathematical formulas
Difficulty to differentiate between left and right
Difficulty in reading graphs and representation of math concepts
Difficulty with time perception
Difficulty using instruments of measurements (propositions, sizes)