Categorías: Todo - diversity - dependency - health - discrimination

por Timothy christopher hace 4 días


Agism, social change and diversity

The aging process often brings financial and health challenges, as seen in Zhang Wei's situation. With minimal retirement savings and an ongoing mortgage, Zhang and his family face economic struggles, including the cost of healthcare.

Agism, social change and diversity

Agism, social change and diversity

Social change and institutional challenges

Workplace discrimination as the old are deemed unable to keep up with technology. Younger workers resent the older workers claiming they are taking their jobs. Government making policies that promote home based care of the elderly people.
Social conflict theory-age discrimination arises due to the competition for job opportunities between generatons.

cultural and ethnic influences

Traditional caregiving expectations vs modern care expectations-Yu wanted Zhang Wei to be cared for at home whereas the daughters preferred professional care. Language barrier affects access to healthcare as Yu Han is struggling to communicate with the healthcare providers. Intergenerational conflict over culture is evident as Yu Han takes away her children's' phones so they can learn their language and traditions.
Multiple jeopardy theory- People who belong to multiple marginalized groups experience are more disadvantaged in a society. Yu Han is old, an immigrant and a woman. This combination makes it even harder for her to access resources.

Caregiving challenges and health decline

Zhang Wei was diagnosed with Alzheimer's diseases. The family disagreed on whether to seek professional care or to take care of Zhang themselves. The family suffered financial and economic burden as caring for Zhang was overwhelming and required major financial sacrifices.
Life course theory- The aging process involves transitions that will cause family adjustments.

Retirement and economic struggles

Zhang Wei had Little retirement savings and an ongoing mortgage. Struggle to pay for healthcare and other expenses. Financial dependance on Yu Yan and the daughters.
Dependency theory- the retired people become dependent on family, pensions and savings