Categorías: Todo - valuation - strategy - investors

por imran mateen hace 11 años


al abid basis to develop buyout-rehab-exit strategy

The proposed strategy involves developing a buyout-rehab-exit plan, aiming to fully package and sell the business to new investors, which could include international or local entities.

al abid basis to develop buyout-rehab-exit strategy

al abid basis to develop buyout-rehab-exit strategy

proposed term sheets

stock exchange
market/non document debt
institutional creditors

shareholders strategy

approach regulators for preferential treatment


projected dividends during rehab period for sponsors

what it will be?

push sponsors into buyout vehicle as preferred shareholders at the same discounted rate
in case sponsors are young, or sponors 2nd generation is keen to buy back, we adopt a different strategy whereby we reduce/skip dividend payouts during rehab period - as we target capital gain & reinvestment of resources
outgoing sponsors if over 55 years, are most likely to look for steady income stream rather than eyeing taking over the company & run all over again
i will evaluate sponsors age & mindset to visualize probabilities as to what they may decide on maturity
formal buyout

tax benefits in current picture

projected tax holiday situation

35% tax of haircut

rehab to do's

tax incentives during rehab period
maximizing shareholders value
securitizing receivables
jackingup/improved leveraging via a-rated customers LC & contacts
income stream

80% exports

working capital budgets
set operational categories

installed utilities evaluation reports & verification of accurate budgetary expenses over next 5 years

plant capacity utilization (workback to verify projected numbers) and/or check capacity utilization level of projected numbers as well as last 3 years actual capacity utilized

really depends on the health of the plant

HR efficiency levels

raw materials, sourcing & mode of payments

leveraging raw materials buying via nonfunded instruments
improved cashflow situation


basis to propose fair purchase value of debts

60% haircut but a heavy impact of taxes etc

discount factor on unsecured debt in exchange of secured instruments
documented & out of books


sell out fully packaged business completely to new investors

Preferred one

could be international investors, local pakistani business houses, institutions etc
sell back to sponsors through exchange of shares at a premium

Preagreed Deal?

we as a principle clause in our term sheet, would try to fetch the best price by offering to prospective buyers - however we offer first right of refusal to sponsors

deal would be on market valuation of fixed floor rate whichever is higher

push portfolio to wealth management desk in geneva in the event sponors opt for our retirement plan

share capital strategy

market making
private placement
issuing new shares at discounted rates
projected stockprice & market cap


our proposed injection
out of books assets


free float
reserve/uncap or assets revaluation amount
shares outstanding

projected income stream

contracts finalized
advance commitments from major buyers
leadtime to land fresh exports

