Categorías: Todo - planning - multimedia - critical - technology

por June Straw hace 14 años


Alternative Assessment2

Implementing alternative assessments such as e-journaling and multimedia presentations can significantly enhance students' learning experiences. E-journaling leverages technology like email and digital gradbook software to facilitate reflective learning.

Alternative Assessment2

How to Strategize

E-journaling allows students to become active in learning. E-journaling is ideal for reflective learning activities in the classroom and enhances distance classrooms that use video to connect multiple sites

Alternative Assessment


Increase Performer Esteem
Promote Real-Life experiences in Learning
Encourages Critical Thinking

Multimedia/ Video Presentation

Power Point and You Tube are the most useful web resources with regard to incorporating a video presentation into your curriculum.
Technology needed to incorporate this form of assessment include mulitmedia applications, such as power point, access to the world wide web, video/audio equipment, video projector, projector screen, etc. In preparing for a multimedia presentation, prepare an outline, identifying the targeted outcome. Take advantage of the graphic design and sound effects available via the PowerPoint application. Ensure appropriate equipment, such overhead projectors, projector screens speakers, etc. Lastly,search the World Wide Web for tips on how to incorporate a You Tube video into your Power Point Presentation.


Consider using online applications such as email. Choose a system that would be beneficial in compiling emails taking into account the number of learners in your course
Technology needed to incorporate this form of assessment includes email/Listserv, computer labs, digital gradbook software, microphone and audio software to record topic of the day, etc. Planning is essential to E-journaling. Educators should consider the number of entries and the rubric regarding grading submissions


Occur toward the end of the learning project
Time consuming for learners to complete, as well as for educators to grade