Categorías: Todo - model

por Marella widyan hace 3 años



Regression analysis is a statistical method used to examine the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It involves using different statistical tests, including the F-test for overall significance and the t-test for individual parameter significance.



Linking words in any style of writing will help the reader to follow the flow of information.

These will show contrast, connection, condition between two things.

Uji Signifikansi Parameter Individual (Uji Statistik t)

Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way.

So is more informal.

Menginterpretasikan variabel independen
Unstandardized Beta Coefficient
Unstandardized Coefficient

Uji Signifikan Simultan (Uji Statistik F)

These words are used to make a general statement.


Due to and owing to must be followed by a noun.
Because of is followed by a noun and can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. Since and as also mean because.

Makin kecil nilai SFE akan membuat model regresi semakin tepat dalam memprediksi variabel dependen

Menilai Goodness of Fit Suatu Model

Use these words at the beginning of the sentence to give a summary of what has been said or written.

Uji Signifikan Prameter Individual (Uji Statistik t)
Uji Signifikansi dari Regresi Sample (Uji Statistik F)
Koefisien Determinasi
Ketepatan Fungsi Regresi
Goodness of fitnya

Asumsi Ordinary Least Squares

Ideas are often linked by 'and'. In a list, you put a comma between each item, but not before and.

Recommended not to start a sentence with also. Use instead In addition, or In addition to this.

Menurut Gurati (2003)
Tidak ada multikolinearitas
Model Regresi telah dispesifikasi secara benar
Adanya Variabilitas dalam nilai X
Jumlah Observasi
Antara ui dan Xi saling bebas
Tidak ada autokorelasi antar kesalahan
Nilai Rata" kesalahan adalan nol
Nilai X diasumsikan non-stikastik
Model Regresi Linear

Regresi vs Korelasi

These linking words are used to empashize a point.

Istilah Regresi
Ordinary Least Squares
Menunjukan arah hubungan antar variabel dependen & variabel independen
Mengukur kekuatan asosiasi linear antara dua variabel


The most common way to give examples is by using for example or for instance.
Namely refers to something by name.

Hasil Analisis Regresi
Koefisien variabel independen
Dasar Analisi Regresi
Istilah "Regrei"
Diperkenalkan oleh Sir Francis Galton

Write phrases to exercise!