por Sean Seccareccia hace 10 años
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Poor Egyptians were not aloud bigger houses and lived in one-room huts
no because the rich people were only allowed to have villas
and the poor would not have enough money to own and pay for a large house or villa so even if they were aloud they couldn't pay for it
Poor Egyptians were not aloud bigger houses but if they were wealthier they would be able to live in a bigger house
poor people could not a ford a villa but rich people can
agptians were not aloud biger howsis
poor Egyptians only had smaller houses but rich Egyptians had bigger houses like villas
Kolton found that ancient egyptians men wore a wrap-round skirt with a belt and women wore full length dresses.
poor Egyptians were not aloud because they didn't have enough money
Poor Egyptians were not aloud bigger houses unless they had more money and also found the space By: Aleks
Poor E gyptians could not get a bigger house like a villa because well, they were poor and did not have he right money to buy a big nice house
The Ancient Egyptians, both rich and poor, ate so much bread that the people who lived in the lands around Egypt called them “bread eaters” (but not to their faces - it was not a very polite term!).
Preservation techniques include drying, smoking, cooling, freezing, fermenting, salting, pickling, and canning. - Sierra
Beer was the most common drink in ancient Egypt. There were very few wells. Most ancient Egyptians did not want to drink water directly from the Nile. The Nile River offered fresh water, but the ancient Egyptians had observed that people became sick after drinking the water. So they drank beer made from barley. The beer was very thick. By: Cristian :D
there are way more foods they ate than what i can say in one comment. The rich people ate mainly beef, some sheep and goat. there were no chickens in ancient egypt but both the rich and the poor ate geese and ducks. The rich didn't eat alot of fish. but most poor ate fish. to find out more than i have said i've posted a link and hope you find lots of info.
every year in the summer when the snow mealts the inundation happens so they get the water from the nile river for food they hunted for bids and fish
Ancient Egyptians grew cereal such as wheat and barely. they ate fish, wild animals, bread, honey,cheese and they drank water.
The Ancient Egyptians ate bread, meat, fish, vegitables, fruits, eggs, honey, butter and cheese and drank water, beer, milk and wine By: Aleks
Families relaxed in the living room by sitting on rugs or pillows - Sierra btw i found it in the social studies
we found out that they like th read comic books from rayanne and cristian
Ancient egyptians relaxed by playing board games, sleeping, and sleeping when they had the time by: Aleks
Egyptian families travelled around by land and water. They preferred to travel on water because when the Nile flooded, so did the roads. The Nile river is also how they transported goods ~ Cary
The Egyptian families liked to stay home often but if they had to hunt they would use a boat or donkeys to take them somewhere or they would go the longer way and walk. -Sierra
They used very large rafts when they traveled by water but if they traveled by land they would walk By: Aleks
Kolton found that ancient egyptians preserved food such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit by drying and salting.
I found out what the Ancient Egyptians wear. Men wore a wrap around skirt that was tied at the waist with a belt. The skirt is called a schenti. Woman wore long dresses with straps at the shouders. ~Cary
i think they were shorts and a shirt
we found that the Egyptians to what most of us do today including board games and sports like soccer.. they also mad up most of the rules for games we play today- by eva and skylar.
Kolton found that the children enjoyed stories and played board games as well as played sports such as wrestling, hunting and fishing.
egyptian kids liked to play board games useing dice. they also had cats dogs monkeys,baboons and birds to play with.
The Egyptians played board games with dice or played with dolls or there pets like cats, dog, monkeys, baboons, crocodiles, and farmers kept goats, pigs, ducks, cows, geese, cattle and horses By: Aleks
The ancient Egyptians enjoyed sports and board games. They are responsible for introducing many of the rules still observed in sports today, including the concept of team uniforms and neutral referees.