Categorías: Todo - chromosomes - nucleus - mitosis

por Tahirah Chant hace 5 años


Asexual Reproduction of cells

Cell division proceeds through a series of stages to ensure accurate replication and distribution of genetic material. During interphase, the cell prepares itself by growing and replicating its DNA.

Asexual Reproduction of cells

Asexual Reproduction of cells


Cytoplasm is divided into two daughter cells that each contain a nuclues


Sister chromatids seperate

Spindle fibers pull chromsones to opposite cell ends

Chromosones are taken to separate poles

Chromosones become chromatin

Spindle fibers disappear

Nucleur envelope is developed around every set of daughter chromosones

Sister chromatids are completely attached to spindle fibers

Spindle fribers line up the sister chromatids in the middle of the cell

Centerioles move to opposite end of cell

Fibers of the spindle attach to sister chromatids

Nucleolus disappears and nucleur envelope breaks down


G2 Phase
Continues to Grow
S Phase
DNA is replicated

Chromones become chromatin, nuclei has nucleur envleope

G1 Phase
Cell does mass preperation